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Outputs (13) a package enabling mobile processes and channels. (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chalmers, K., & Kerridge, J. (2005, September). a package enabling mobile processes and channels. Presented at Communicating Process Architectures 2005 WoTug 28

The JCSPNet package from Quickstone provides the capability of transparently creating a network of processes that run across a TCP/IP network. The package also contains mechanisms for creating mobile processes and channels through the use of filters... Read More about a package enabling mobile processes and channels..

Scientific names are ambiguous as identifiers for biological taxa: their context and definition are required for accurate data integration (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kennedy, J., Kukla, R., & Paterson, T. (2005, July). Scientific names are ambiguous as identifiers for biological taxa: their context and definition are required for accurate data integration. Presented at Second International Workshop, DILS 2005, San Diego, CA, USA

Biologists use scientific names to label the organisms described in
their data; however, these names are not unique identifiers for taxonomic entities.
Alternative taxonomic classifications may apply the same name, associated
with alternative defi... Read More about Scientific names are ambiguous as identifiers for biological taxa: their context and definition are required for accurate data integration.

A comparison of video and infrared based tracking of pedestrian movements. (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kerridge, J., Kukla, R., Willis, A., Armitage, A., Binnie, D., & Lei, L. (2003, October). A comparison of video and infrared based tracking of pedestrian movements. Presented at Traffic and Granular Flow '03

We provide a comparison of the relative merits of video and infrared based methods for collecting pedestrian movements from the real world and also from experimental environments. We describe the underlying technological basis of both methods and the... Read More about A comparison of video and infrared based tracking of pedestrian movements..

Instant messaging: using log files to identify patterns of interaction in group of teenage users. (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davison, B., & Buckner, K. (2005, April). Instant messaging: using log files to identify patterns of interaction in group of teenage users. Presented at IFIP WG 9.3 HOIT2005 Conference, York

This paper presents preliminary findings on teenagers’ use of instant messaging (IM) as an example of an Internet technology. The results are quantitative, being drawn from the information held in users’ IM log files. The current purpose is to valida... Read More about Instant messaging: using log files to identify patterns of interaction in group of teenage users..

Tracking pedestrians using visible and infrared systems (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Armitage, A., Binnie, D., Chamberlain, T., Nilsson, M., & Rutter, M. (2005, January). Tracking pedestrians using visible and infrared systems. Presented at 37th Universities Transport Study Group Conference, Bristol

In this paper, we will describe a number of research projects at Napier University on pedestrian tracking. This work started with systems based on ordinary cameras working at visible wavelengths. This work has expanded to include infrared imaging sys... Read More about Tracking pedestrians using visible and infrared systems.

Peer-to-peer networks for scalable grid landscapes in social agent simulations. (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Craenen, B. G. W., & Paechter, B. (2005, April). Peer-to-peer networks for scalable grid landscapes in social agent simulations. Presented at AISB’05 Convention Social Intelligence and Interaction in Animals, Robots and Agents, Hatfield, UK

Recently, peer-to-peer networks have been proposed as the underlying architecture of large scale distributed social agent simulations. A number of problems arise when grid landscapes are used to represent the landscape in these simulations, primarily... Read More about Peer-to-peer networks for scalable grid landscapes in social agent simulations..

Application of the Grouping Genetic Algorithm to University Course Timetabling (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lewis, R., Lewis, R. M. R., & Paechter, B. (2005, March). Application of the Grouping Genetic Algorithm to University Course Timetabling. Presented at 5th European Conference in Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation (EvoCop 2005), Lausanne, Swizerland

University Course Timetabling-Problems (UCTPs) involve the allocation of resources (such as rooms and timeslots) to all the events of a university, satisfying a set of hard-constraints and, as much as possible, some soft constraints. Here we work wit... Read More about Application of the Grouping Genetic Algorithm to University Course Timetabling.

Linguistic applications of formal concept analysis. (2005)
Book Chapter
Priss, U. (2005). Linguistic applications of formal concept analysis. In B. Ganter, G. Stumme, & R. Wille (Eds.), Formal Concept Analysis, Foundations and Applications (149-160). Springer-Verlag.

Formal concept analysis as a methodology of data analysis and knowledge representation has potential to be applied to a variety of linguistic problems. First, linguistic applications often involve the identification and analysis of features, such as... Read More about Linguistic applications of formal concept analysis..

Groovy Parallel! A Return to the Spirit of occam? (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kerridge, J., Barclay, K., & Savage, J. (2005, September). Groovy Parallel! A Return to the Spirit of occam?. Presented at 28th Communicating Process Architectures Conference, CPA 2005, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

For some years there has been much activity in developing CSP-like extensions to a number of common programming languages. In particular, a number of groups have looked at extensions to Java. Recent developments in the Java platform have resulted in... Read More about Groovy Parallel! A Return to the Spirit of occam?.

Analysis of an agent-based metric-driven method for ad-hoc, on-demand routing (2005)
Journal Article
Buchanan, W. J., Migas, N., Sinclair, G., & McArtney, K. (2006). Analysis of an agent-based metric-driven method for ad-hoc, on-demand routing. Ad hoc networks, 4(2), 147-167.

Ad-hoc networks could bring many benefits over traditional, fixed networks. Unfortunately, they have many difficulties, including the selection of the optimal route, the availability of routes as mobile nodes move around the physical space, and probl... Read More about Analysis of an agent-based metric-driven method for ad-hoc, on-demand routing.

The Prometheus Description Model: an examination of the taxonomic description-building process and its representation (2005)
Journal Article
Pullan, M. R., Armstrong, K. E., Paterson, T., Cannon, A., Kennedy, J. B., Watson, M. F., McDonald, S. M., & Raguenaud, C. (2005). The Prometheus Description Model: an examination of the taxonomic description-building process and its representation. Taxon, 54(3), 751-765.

A model for representing taxonomic descriptive data is presented. The model has been developed in response to the growing requirement for the global exchange of descriptive data. Meaningful exchange of data requires that data be represented in a form... Read More about The Prometheus Description Model: an examination of the taxonomic description-building process and its representation.

Achieving seamless component composition through scenario-based deep adaptation and generation (2005)
Journal Article
Liu, X., Wang, B. H. (., & Kerridge, J. (2005). Achieving seamless component composition through scenario-based deep adaptation and generation. Science of Computer Programming, 56(1-2), 157-170.

Mismatches between pre-qualified existing components and the particular reuse context in applications have been a major factor hindering component reusability and successful composition. Although component adaptation has acted as a key solution of el... Read More about Achieving seamless component composition through scenario-based deep adaptation and generation.

The use of load factors to segment airline operators (2005)
Journal Article
Dai, Y., Raeside, R., & Smyth, A. (2005). The use of load factors to segment airline operators. Journal of revenue and pricing management, 4(2), 195-203.

In this paper, commentary is made on recent trends in passenger airline movements, and it is suggested that, as a result of the use of revenue management, load factor has emerged as a performance metric. Using data from the IATA database for each of... Read More about The use of load factors to segment airline operators.