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Outputs (8)

The challenge of visualising multiple overlapping classification. (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Graham, M., Kennedy, J., & Hand, C. (1999, September). The challenge of visualising multiple overlapping classification. Presented at IEEE User Interfaces to Data Intensive Systems (UIDIS) 1999

Techniques for visualising hierarchies have concentrated on displaying static structures or, in the case of dynamic hierarchies, adding or deleting nodes from the hierarchy. However, none have adequately dealt with the situation of visualising change... Read More about The challenge of visualising multiple overlapping classification..

Dimensional analysis based causal ordering (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Shen, Q., Peng, T., & Milne, R. (1999, December). Dimensional analysis based causal ordering. Presented at QR-99

This paper presents a novel approach for generating causal dependencies between system variables, from an acausal description of the system behaviour, and for identifying the end causal impact; in terms of whether a change in the value of an influenc... Read More about Dimensional analysis based causal ordering.

Synchronisation primitives for highly parallel discrete event simulations (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kerridge, J., Welch, P., & Wood, D. (1999, January). Synchronisation primitives for highly parallel discrete event simulations. Presented at HICSS 32 - 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, HI, USA

A new set of synchronisation primitives is described that simplifies the control of very large numbers of fine-grained parallel processes. The new primitives are derived from the multi-way event synchronisation and choice defined in communicating seq... Read More about Synchronisation primitives for highly parallel discrete event simulations.

Providing views and closure for the object data management group object model (1999)
Journal Article
Roantree, M., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. (1999). Providing views and closure for the object data management group object model. Information and Software Technology, 41(15), 1037-1044.

The ODMG Object Model uses a standard for object-oriented database designers,
while attempting to address some issues of interoperability. This research is focused
on the viability of using the ODMG data model as a canonical data model in a
multid... Read More about Providing views and closure for the object data management group object model.

A multidatabase layer for the ODMG object model (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Roantree, M., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. (1998, September). A multidatabase layer for the ODMG object model. Presented at 5th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems, 1998, Paris, France

The lack of a common object model has been addressed to some extent by the specification of the ODMG Object Model standard. However, the problem still exists for designers of object-oriented multidatabase systems. In this research we propose to use t... Read More about A multidatabase layer for the ODMG object model.

Multiple traffic signal control using a genetic algorithm (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kalganova, T., Russell, G., & Cumming, A. (1999, December). Multiple traffic signal control using a genetic algorithm. Presented at 4th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, ICANNGA '99

Optimising traffic signal timings for a multiple-junction road network is a difficult but important problem. The essential difficulty of this problem is that the traffic signals need to coordinate their behaviours to achieve the common goal of optimi... Read More about Multiple traffic signal control using a genetic algorithm.

The continuous equilibrium optimal network design problem: a genetic approach. (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cree, N. D., Maher, M., & Paechter, B. (1996, September). The continuous equilibrium optimal network design problem: a genetic approach. Presented at Transportation Networks: Recent Methodological Advances 4th EURO Transportation Meeting

A genetic algorithm (GA) program for providing a solution to the Continuous Equilibrium Network Design Problem (NDP) is introduced following a general discussion of the network design problem and genetic algorithms. A description of the current GA op... Read More about The continuous equilibrium optimal network design problem: a genetic approach..