The Design of the IDIOMS Parallel Database Machine
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kerridge, J. M. (1991, December). The Design of the IDIOMS Parallel Database Machine. Presented at 9th British National Conference on Databases (BNCOD), Wolverhampton Polytechnic, UK
Outputs (4)
Improving the Fault Tolerance of the Recovery Ring (1991)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Oates, R., & Kerridge, J. (1991, August). Improving the Fault Tolerance of the Recovery Ring. Presented at Transputer Applications' 91, Glasgow
Regaining the conceptual level in object oriented modelling (1991)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Barclay, P. J., & Kennedy, J. (1991, July). Regaining the conceptual level in object oriented modelling. Presented at 9th British National Conference on Database - BNCOD9, 1991This paper attempts to develop a conceptual model for the object oriented description of data. We abstract from various logical model features essential for thinking about data in an object oriented framework. These features are presented through exa... Read More about Regaining the conceptual level in object oriented modelling.
Adding fault tolerance to a transputer-based parallel database machine (1991)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Oates, R., & Kerridge, J. (1991, April). Adding fault tolerance to a transputer-based parallel database machine. Presented at World Transputer User Group (WOTUG) conference on Transputing '91, Sunnyvale, California, USA