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Performance modelling and analysis of cognitive mesh networks (2012)
Journal Article
Min, G., Wu, Y., & Al-Dubai, A. (2012). Performance modelling and analysis of cognitive mesh networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 60, 1474-1478.

A new analytical model is proposed to investigate the delay and throughput in cognitive mesh networks. The validity of the model is demonstrated via extensive simulation experiments. The model is then used to evaluate the effects of the number of lic... Read More about Performance modelling and analysis of cognitive mesh networks.

A new analytical model for multi-hop cognitive radio networks (2012)
Journal Article
Wu, Y., Min, G., & Al-Dubai, A. (2012). A new analytical model for multi-hop cognitive radio networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 11, 1643-1648.

The cognitive radio (CR) is an emerging technique for increasing the utilisation of communication resources by allowing the unlicensed users to employ the under-utilised spectrum. In this paper, a new analytical performance model is developed to eval... Read More about A new analytical model for multi-hop cognitive radio networks.