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Outputs (7)

Community Validation as a Method to Establish Trustworthiness in Qualitative LIS Research (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Salzano, R., Hall, H., Webster, G., & Brazier, D. (2023, October). Community Validation as a Method to Establish Trustworthiness in Qualitative LIS Research. Poster presented at ASIS&T Annual Meeting, London, UK

A core aspect of the scientific process is the verification of the credibility of findings. In research with a qualitative and mixed methods approach, there is ongoing discussion on the most effective method to validate results. Discussed in this pos... Read More about Community Validation as a Method to Establish Trustworthiness in Qualitative LIS Research.

What are public libraries for? Culture as a determinant of conceptualizations of public library services for forced migrants (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Salzano, R., Brazier, D., Hall, H., & Webster, G. (2022, October). What are public libraries for? Culture as a determinant of conceptualizations of public library services for forced migrants. Presented at Association for Information Science and Technology Annual Conference ASIS&T 2022, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Public libraries offer important services for newcomer populations, including forced migrants. They help facilitate the integration of forced migrants into the host country, increase their levels of trust within new communities, and build social capi... Read More about What are public libraries for? Culture as a determinant of conceptualizations of public library services for forced migrants.

Investigating the ‘why’ rather than the ‘how’: current research priorities on the influence of culture on new-comer populations’ use of public libraries (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Salzano, R., Hall, H., & Webster, G. (2020, September). Investigating the ‘why’ rather than the ‘how’: current research priorities on the influence of culture on new-comer populations’ use of public libraries. Presented at ISIC (Information Seeking In Context) 2020, Pretoria, South Africa

Introduction - Library researchers are often concerned with the factors that affect individual use of public library resources. To date, culture as a determinant of public library use has not been fully explored across all public library populations.... Read More about Investigating the ‘why’ rather than the ‘how’: current research priorities on the influence of culture on new-comer populations’ use of public libraries.

Assisting Information Practice: From Information Intermediary To Social Proxy (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cruickshank, P., Webster, G., & Ryan, F. (2020, September). Assisting Information Practice: From Information Intermediary To Social Proxy. Presented at ISIC 2020 The Information Behaviour conference, Pretoria, South Africa

The increasing dependence on social media and other online systems as part of everyday life has grown considerably over the years. At the same time, the complexity and security of online systems has also been increasing, making it more challenging fo... Read More about Assisting Information Practice: From Information Intermediary To Social Proxy.

The relationship between culture and public library use: non-Western students in Scotland (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Salzano, R., Hall, H., & Webster, G. (2020, September). The relationship between culture and public library use: non-Western students in Scotland. Presented at ISIC (Information Seeking in Context) 2020, Pretoria, South Africa

Introduction - Individuals’ cultural backgrounds influence their use of societal resources, including those offered in public libraries. Well-established in library research are explorations of the benefits of public library use to new-comer communit... Read More about The relationship between culture and public library use: non-Western students in Scotland.

Corralling Culture as a Concept in LIS Research (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Salzano, R., Hall, H., & Webster, G. (2020, October). Corralling Culture as a Concept in LIS Research. Presented at 83rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Information Science and Technology, Virtual

Individuals’ cultural backgrounds influence their use of societal resources, including libraries. A literature search and review was completed on the treatment of culture in library and information science (LIS) in the body of work on information beh... Read More about Corralling Culture as a Concept in LIS Research.

Social impact evaluations of digital youth work: tensions between vision and reality (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pawluczuk, A., Smith, C., Webster, G., & Hall, H. (2018, March). Social impact evaluations of digital youth work: tensions between vision and reality. Paper presented at Transmedia Literacy International Conference

Purpose: This paper presents empirical research, which explores the ways digital youth workers perceive, and evaluate, the social impact of their work. There is currently a research gap with regard to the measurement of the social impact of digital y... Read More about Social impact evaluations of digital youth work: tensions between vision and reality.