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Outputs (208)

Using Co-Design with Nursing Students to Create Educational Apps for Clinical Training (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
O'Connor, S., & Andrews, T. (2016, June). Using Co-Design with Nursing Students to Create Educational Apps for Clinical Training. Presented at 13th International Congress on Nursing Informatics

Mobile technology is being trialed in nursing education to support students in clinical practice, as it can provide instant access to high quality educational material at the point of care. However, most educational mobile apps are generic, off-the-s... Read More about Using Co-Design with Nursing Students to Create Educational Apps for Clinical Training.

The feasibility and acceptability of trial procedures for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial of a structured physical activity intervention for people diagnosed with colorectal cancer: findings from a pilot trial of cardiac rehabilitation versus usual care (no rehabilitation) with an embedded qualitative study. (2016)
Journal Article
Hubbard, G., O’Carroll, R., Munro, J., Mutrie, N., Haw, S., Mason, H., & Treweek, S. (2016). The feasibility and acceptability of trial procedures for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial of a structured physical activity intervention for people diagnosed with colorectal cancer: findings from a pilot trial of cardiac rehabilitation versus usual care (no rehabilitation) with an embedded qualitative study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 2(1),

Background: Pilot and feasibility work is conducted to evaluate the operational feasibility and acceptability of the intervention itself and the feasibility and acceptability of a trials’ protocol design. The Cardiac Rehabilitation In Bowel cancer (C... Read More about The feasibility and acceptability of trial procedures for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial of a structured physical activity intervention for people diagnosed with colorectal cancer: findings from a pilot trial of cardiac rehabilitation versus usual care (no rehabilitation) with an embedded qualitative study..

A topological insight into restricted Boltzmann machines (2016)
Journal Article
Mocanu, D. C., Mocanu, E., Nguyen, P. H., Gibescu, M., & Liotta, A. (2016). A topological insight into restricted Boltzmann machines. Machine Learning, 104(2-3), 243-270.

Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) and models derived from them have been successfully used as basic building blocks in deep artificial neural networks for automatic features extraction, unsupervised weights initialization, but also as density esti... Read More about A topological insight into restricted Boltzmann machines.

An Intervention to Prevent and Reduce Maternal Distress in the Netherlands - Its Development from Start to Finish (2016)
Journal Article
Kuipers, Y. F. (2016). An Intervention to Prevent and Reduce Maternal Distress in the Netherlands - Its Development from Start to Finish. Women's Health International, 2(1),

Prevalence rates and the health problems related to maternal distress instigated the development of an intervention to prevent and reduce maternal distress during pregnancy. Intervention Mapping served as a framework for the intervention development.... Read More about An Intervention to Prevent and Reduce Maternal Distress in the Netherlands - Its Development from Start to Finish.

What is the Current State of Digital Health Readiness in the UK: Progression Towards Sustainability in the Naitonal Delivering Assisted Living Lifestyles at Scale: “dallas” programme (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Devlin, A., McGee-Lennon, M., Bouamrane, M., O'Connor, S., Chetty, U., O'Donnell, C., & Mair, F. (2016, July). What is the Current State of Digital Health Readiness in the UK: Progression Towards Sustainability in the Naitonal Delivering Assisted Living Lifestyles at Scale: “dallas” programme. Presented at 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC)

Selected as distinguished paper.

A Flexible Toolkit for Evaluating Person-Centred Digital Health and Wellness at Scale (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
O’Donnell, C. A., O’Connor, S., Devlin, A. M., Mair, F. S., McGee-Lennon, M., Bouamrane, M.-M., Grieve, E., O'Donnell, C., O'Connor, S., Agbakoba, R., Devlin, A., Barry, S., Bikker, A., Finch, T., & Mair, F. (2016, July). A Flexible Toolkit for Evaluating Person-Centred Digital Health and Wellness at Scale. Presented at 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2016), Florida, USA

The Delivering Assisted Living Lifestyles at Scale (dallas) program was a large-scale, nationwide deployment of digital health and wellbeing products and services in the UK. Telehealth, telecare, mobile apps, personal health records, and assisted liv... Read More about A Flexible Toolkit for Evaluating Person-Centred Digital Health and Wellness at Scale.

Implementing digital skills training in care homes: a literature review (2016)
Journal Article
Wild, D., Kydd, A., & Szczepura, A. (2016). Implementing digital skills training in care homes: a literature review. Nursing Older People, 28(4), 26-29.

This article is the first of a two-part series that
together inform and describe digital skills training
using a dedicated console computer provided for
staff and residents in a care home setting. This was
part of a programme of culture change in... Read More about Implementing digital skills training in care homes: a literature review.

Demonstrating the value of co-design: a mobile application for persons with dementia and their carers (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
O'Connor, S., Bouamrane, M., McGee-Lennon, M., O'Donnell, C., & Mair, F. (2016, April). Demonstrating the value of co-design: a mobile application for persons with dementia and their carers. Presented at Royal College of Nurses (RCN) Annual Conference

Demonstrating the value of co-design: a mobile application for persons with dementia and their carers.

EU-China joint white paper on the Internet of Things (2016)
Preprint / Working Paper
(CAICT), C. A. O. I. A. C. T., & DG Connect, E. C. EU-China joint white paper on the Internet of Things

This paper reflects the outcome of several years of the IoT international cooperation between the EU and China and documents the state-of-the-art on IoT development in both regions and future cooperation avenues.

Impact of 5g telematics (2015)
Journal Article
Thuemmler, C., Jell, T., Nunna, S., & Jumelle, A. K. L. (2015). Impact of 5g telematics. Asian Hospital & Healthcare Management,

New technologies such as wearable wireless medical devices are transforming the way healthcare is delivered. As these devices become more powerful and numerous, the daunting challenge is whether the existing communications infrastructure can meet the... Read More about Impact of 5g telematics.

Using Intervention Mapping for Systematic Development of a Midwife-Delivered Intervention for Prevention and Reduction of Maternal Distress during Pregnancy (2015)
Journal Article
Kuipers, Y., van Limbeek, E., Ausems, M., de Vries, R., & Nieuwenhuijze, M. (2015). Using Intervention Mapping for Systematic Development of a Midwife-Delivered Intervention for Prevention and Reduction of Maternal Distress during Pregnancy. International Journal of Women's Health and Wellness, 1(1),

The authors describe how Intervention Mapping was used to develop a midwife-led intervention to prevent or reduce maternal distress during pregnancy. An extensive needs assessment showed that both pregnant women and midwives needed to be taught to re... Read More about Using Intervention Mapping for Systematic Development of a Midwife-Delivered Intervention for Prevention and Reduction of Maternal Distress during Pregnancy.

Oximetry-supported self-management for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: mixed method feasibility pilot project (2015)
Journal Article
MacNab, M., Lee, S. H., McCloughan, L., Hanley, J., McKinstry, B., & Pinnock, H. (2017). Oximetry-supported self-management for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: mixed method feasibility pilot project. BMC Health Services Research, 15(1),

Background: Pulse oximetry could potentially contribute to self-monitoring. NHS Lothian’s ‘Light Touch’ service
provided COPD patients with a self-management plan based on symptoms and oximetry. The service was overseen
(though not actively monitor... Read More about Oximetry-supported self-management for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: mixed method feasibility pilot project.

From the Virtual to the RealWorld: Referring to Objects in Real-World Spatial Scenes (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gkatzia, D., Rieser, V., Bartie, P., & Mackaness, W. (2015, September). From the Virtual to the RealWorld: Referring to Objects in Real-World Spatial Scenes. Presented at 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Lisbon

Predicting the success of referring expressions (RE) is vital for real world applications such as navigation systems. Traditionally, research has focused on studying Referring Expression Generation (REG) in virtual, controlled environments. In this p... Read More about From the Virtual to the RealWorld: Referring to Objects in Real-World Spatial Scenes.

A Game-Based Setup for Data Collection and Task-Based Evaluation of Uncertain Information Presentation (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gkatzia, D., Cercas Curry, A., Rieser, V., & Lemon, O. (2015, September). A Game-Based Setup for Data Collection and Task-Based Evaluation of Uncertain Information Presentation. Presented at 15th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG 2015), University of Brighton, Brighton, UK

Decision-making is often dependent on uncertain data, e.g. data associated with confidence scores, such as probabilities. A concrete example of such data is weather data. We will demo a game-based setup for exploring the effectiveness of different ap... Read More about A Game-Based Setup for Data Collection and Task-Based Evaluation of Uncertain Information Presentation.

A Snapshot of NLG Evaluation Practices 2005 - 2014 (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gkatzia, D., & Mahamood, S. (2015, September). A Snapshot of NLG Evaluation Practices 2005 - 2014. Presented at Proceedings of the 15th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG), University of Brighton Brighton, UK

In this paper we present a snapshot of endto-end NLG system evaluations as presented in conference and journal papers1 over the last ten years in order to better understand the nature and type of evaluations that have been undertaken. We find that re... Read More about A Snapshot of NLG Evaluation Practices 2005 - 2014.

Generating and Evaluating Landmark-Based Navigation Instructions in Virtual Environments (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cercas Curry, A., Gkatzia, D., & Rieser, V. (2015, September). Generating and Evaluating Landmark-Based Navigation Instructions in Virtual Environments. Presented at 15th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG 2015), University of Brighton, Brighton, UK

Referring to landmarks has been identified to lead to improved navigation instructions. However, a previous corpus study suggests that human “wizards” also choose to refer to street names and generate user-centric instructions. In this paper, we cond... Read More about Generating and Evaluating Landmark-Based Navigation Instructions in Virtual Environments.

Sociocultural and Technological Barriers Across all Phases of Implementation for Mobile Health in Developing Countries (2015)
Book Chapter
O'Connor, Y., O'Connor, S., Heavin, C., Gallagher, J., & O'Donoghue, J. (2016). Sociocultural and Technological Barriers Across all Phases of Implementation for Mobile Health in Developing Countries. In D. Al-Jumeily, A. Hussain, C. Mallucci, & C. Oliver (Eds.), Applied Computing in Medicine and Health (212-230). Elsevier.

In recent years scholars are realising the importance of examining mobile health (mHealth) implementation in developing countries. A vast array of research exists which focuses on barriers of mHealth adoption in such domains. However, the majority of... Read More about Sociocultural and Technological Barriers Across all Phases of Implementation for Mobile Health in Developing Countries.

Enabling patient-centred care through information and technology (2015)
Digital Artefact
O'Connor, S. (2015). Enabling patient-centred care through information and technology. []. University of Glasgow, UK

Blog: A snapshot of this year’s Kings Fund Digital Health and Care Congress in London highlighted the focus on enabling patient-centred care through information and technology. Beverley Bryant, Director of Digital Technology for NHS England outlined... Read More about Enabling patient-centred care through information and technology.