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Application of Mixed Effects Limits of Agreement in the Presence of Multiple Sources of Variability: Exemplar from the Comparison of Several Devices to Measure Respiratory Rate in COPD Patients (2016)
Journal Article
Parker, R. A., Weir, C. J., Rubio, N., Rabinovich, R., Pinnock, H., Hanley, J., McCloughan, L., Drost, E. M., Mantoani, L. C., MacNee, W., & McKinstry, B. (2016). Application of Mixed Effects Limits of Agreement in the Presence of Multiple Sources of Variability: Exemplar from the Comparison of Several Devices to Measure Respiratory Rate in COPD Patients. PLOS ONE, 11(12), Article e0168321.

The Bland-Altman limits of agreement method is widely used to assess how well the measurements produced by two raters, devices or systems agree with each other. However, mixed effects versions of the method which take into account multi... Read More about Application of Mixed Effects Limits of Agreement in the Presence of Multiple Sources of Variability: Exemplar from the Comparison of Several Devices to Measure Respiratory Rate in COPD Patients.