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Double-Skin Façades for the Sustainable Refurbishment of Non-domestic Buildings: A Life Cycle Environmental Impact Perspective (2016)
Book Chapter
Pomponi, F., Piroozfar, P. A. E., & Farr, E. R. P. (2016). Double-Skin Façades for the Sustainable Refurbishment of Non-domestic Buildings: A Life Cycle Environmental Impact Perspective. In M. Dastbaz, & C. Gorse (Eds.), Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design (59-72). Springer.

In developed countries, existing buildings have the biggest share in the building stock. Given the age of construction, the property versus land values, and their slow replacement rate, low-carbon refurbishments are arguably one of the most sensible... Read More about Double-Skin Façades for the Sustainable Refurbishment of Non-domestic Buildings: A Life Cycle Environmental Impact Perspective.