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British War Writing, 1900–1920: Empire, Mass Warfare and Mass Culture (2021)
Book Chapter
Frayn, A. (2021). British War Writing, 1900–1920: Empire, Mass Warfare and Mass Culture. In J. Purdon (Ed.), British Literature in Transition, 1900–1920: A New Age? (106-121). Cambridge University Press.

Representations of conflict in the early twentieth century respond both to the impact of mass industrial warfare, particularly in the First World War, and the development of mass culture following the Education Acts of the late nineteenth century. Co... Read More about British War Writing, 1900–1920: Empire, Mass Warfare and Mass Culture.

The UK War Books Boom, 1926-33 (2021)
Frayn, A., & Houston, F. (2021). The UK War Books Boom, 1926-33. [Data].

Data for article 'The War Books Boom in Britain, 1928–1930'. For submission to First World War Studies, Oct 2021.

Data collected Jan 2020-Aug 2021 from various sources articulated in article.