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Dr Claire Kydonaki's Outputs (30)

Staff education, regular sedation and analgesia quality feedback, and a sedation monitoring technology for improving sedation and analgesia quality for critically ill, mechanically ventilated patients: a cluster randomised trial (2016)
Journal Article
Walsh, T. S., Kydonaki, K., Antonelli, J., Stephen, J., Lee, R. J., Everingham, K., Hanley, J., Phillips, E. C., Uutela, K., Peltola, P., Cole, S., Quasim, T., Ruddy, J., McDougall, M., Davidson, A., Rutherford, J., Richards, J., & Weir, C. J. (2016). Staff education, regular sedation and analgesia quality feedback, and a sedation monitoring technology for improving sedation and analgesia quality for critically ill, mechanically ventilated patients: a cluster randomised trial. Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 4(10), 807-817.

Staff education, regular sedation and analgesia quality feedback, and a sedation monitoring technology for improving sedation and analgesia quality for critically ill, mechanically ventilated patients: a cluster randomised trial.

Development of process control methodology for tracking the quality and safety of pain, agitation and sedation management in critical care units (2016)
Journal Article
Walsh, T. S., Kydonaki, K., Lee, R. J., Everingham, K., Antonelli, J., Harkness, R. T., Cole, S., Quasim, T., Ruddy, J., McDougall, M., Davidson, A., Rutherford, J., Richards, J., & Weir, C. J. (2016). Development of process control methodology for tracking the quality and safety of pain, agitation and sedation management in critical care units. Critical Care Medicine, 44(3), 564-574.

Objective: To develop sedation, pain, and agitation quality measures using process control methodology and evaluate their properties in clinical practice.

Design: A Sedation Quality Assessment Tool was developed and validated to capture data for 1... Read More about Development of process control methodology for tracking the quality and safety of pain, agitation and sedation management in critical care units.

Rationale, design and methodology of a trial evaluating three strategies designed to improve sedation quality in intensive care units (DESIST study) (2016)
Journal Article
Weir, C. J., Kydonaki, K., Walsh, T. S., Kydonaki, C. (., Antonelli, J., Stephen, J., Lee, R. J., Everingham, K., Hanley, J., Uutelo, K., Peltola, P., & Weir, C. (2016). Rationale, design and methodology of a trial evaluating three strategies designed to improve sedation quality in intensive care units (DESIST study). BMJ Open, 6(3), Article e010148.

Objectives To describe the rationale, design and methodology for a trial of three novel interventions developed to improve sedation-analgesia quality in adult intensive care units (ICUs).

Participants and Setting 8 clusters, each a Scottish ICU. A... Read More about Rationale, design and methodology of a trial evaluating three strategies designed to improve sedation quality in intensive care units (DESIST study).

Understanding nurses’ decision-making when managing weaning from mechanical ventilation: a study of novice and experienced critical care nurses in Scotland and Greece. (2016)
Journal Article
Kydonaki, C. (., Huby, G., Tocher, J., & Aitken, L. M. (2016). Understanding nurses’ decision-making when managing weaning from mechanical ventilation: a study of novice and experienced critical care nurses in Scotland and Greece. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25(3-4), 434-444.

Aim and objectives
To examine how nurses collect and use cues from respiratory assessment to inform their decisions as they wean patients from ventilatory support.
Prompt and accurate identification of the patient's ability to sustain r... Read More about Understanding nurses’ decision-making when managing weaning from mechanical ventilation: a study of novice and experienced critical care nurses in Scotland and Greece..

Difficult to wean patients: cultural factors and their impact on weaning decision-making. (2013)
Journal Article
Kydonaki, C. (., Huby, G., & Tocher, J. (2013). Difficult to wean patients: cultural factors and their impact on weaning decision-making. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23, 683-693.

Aims and objectives

To examine the elements of the intensive care environment and consider the impact on nurses' involvement in decision-making when weaning from mechanical ventilation.


Optimal management of difficult to wean pati... Read More about Difficult to wean patients: cultural factors and their impact on weaning decision-making..

Decisional responsibility for mechanical ventilation and weaning: an international survey (2011)
Journal Article
Rose, L., Blackwood, B., Egerod, I., Haugdahl, H., Hofhuis, J., Isfort, M., Kydonaki, K., Schubert, M., Sperlinga, R., Spronk, P., Storli, S., McAuley, D. F., & Schultz, M. J. (2011). Decisional responsibility for mechanical ventilation and weaning: an international survey. Critical care : the official journal of the Critical Care Forum, 15(6), R295.


Optimal management of mechanical ventilation and weaning requires dynamic and collaborative decision making to minimize complications and avoid delays in the transition to extubation. In the absence of collaboration, ventilation decis... Read More about Decisional responsibility for mechanical ventilation and weaning: an international survey.

Decision-making processes of weaning from mechanical ventilation. A comparative ethnographic insight into the dynamics of the decision-making environment (2011)
Kydonaki, C. (. Decision-making processes of weaning from mechanical ventilation. A comparative ethnographic insight into the dynamics of the decision-making environment. (Thesis). University of Edinburgh.

This was a qualitative work that aimed to understand in depth nurses’ decision-making process when reducing mechanical ventilatory support in critically ill patients, a routine clinical practice in intensive care. An ethnographic approach was used to... Read More about Decision-making processes of weaning from mechanical ventilation. A comparative ethnographic insight into the dynamics of the decision-making environment.

Observing the approaches to weaning of the long-term ventilated patients (2010)
Journal Article
Kydonaki, C. (. (2010). Observing the approaches to weaning of the long-term ventilated patients. Nursing in Critical Care, 15, 49-56.


The weaning process from mechanical ventilation is a complicated issue for patients with respiratory failure who require long-term respiratory support. Although the application of weaning protocols reduces weaning time, and enhances p... Read More about Observing the approaches to weaning of the long-term ventilated patients.