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Prof Peter Robertson's Outputs (4)

Career development and criminal justice: Foundations for a new integration to promote peace and justice (2022)
Journal Article
Robertson, P. (2022). Career development and criminal justice: Foundations for a new integration to promote peace and justice. Indian Journal of Career and Livelihood Planning, 11(1), 16-30

The promotion of peace and justice is an important responsibility of governments, and it represents one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN, 2015). To date there has been little consideration of how career development services mig... Read More about Career development and criminal justice: Foundations for a new integration to promote peace and justice.

Thoughts on Professionalism: A reaction to the recent Phoenix special issue (2022)
Digital Artefact
Robertson, P. (2022). Thoughts on Professionalism: A reaction to the recent Phoenix special issue. [online magazine]

Professor Pete Robertson, Edinburgh Napier University, responds to the recent issue of Phoenix which focused on professionalism. He asks whether career development in HE is a separate profession or part of a wider careers profession. Exploring som... Read More about Thoughts on Professionalism: A reaction to the recent Phoenix special issue.