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All Outputs (30)

The interests, ideas, and institutions shaping public participation in local climate change governance in Ireland (2023)
Journal Article
Wagner, P. M., & Lima, V. (2024). The interests, ideas, and institutions shaping public participation in local climate change governance in Ireland. Local Environment, 29(9), 1170-1184 .

Public participation in local governance is crucial for effective climate action and for ensuring that policies are designed in a way that respects the rights of communities. Policy developments and choices are shaped by the groups that participate,... Read More about The interests, ideas, and institutions shaping public participation in local climate change governance in Ireland.

Challenging the insider outsider approach to advocacy: how collaboration networks and belief similarities shape strategy choices (2023)
Journal Article
Wagner, P. M., Ocelík, P., Gronow, A., Ylä-Anttila, T., & Metz, F. (2023). Challenging the insider outsider approach to advocacy: how collaboration networks and belief similarities shape strategy choices. Policy and Politics, 51(1), 47-70.

Advocacy strategies are a key success factor for public, private and third sector actors who participate in and seek to influence policy choices. Despite this, research on policy networks has paid little attention to the forms of advocacy studied by... Read More about Challenging the insider outsider approach to advocacy: how collaboration networks and belief similarities shape strategy choices.

Shared Positions on Divisive Beliefs Explain Interorganizational Collaboration: Evidence from Climate Change Policy Subsystems in 11 Countries (2022)
Journal Article
Karimo, A., Wagner, P. M., Delicado, A., Goodman, J., Gronow, A., Lahsen, M., Lin, T., Schneider, V., Satoh, K., Schmidt, L., Yun, S., & Ylä-Anttila, T. (2023). Shared Positions on Divisive Beliefs Explain Interorganizational Collaboration: Evidence from Climate Change Policy Subsystems in 11 Countries. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 33(3), 421-433.

Collaboration between public administration organizations and various stakeholders is often prescribed as a potential solution to the current complex problems of governance, such as climate change. According to the Advocacy Coalition Framework, share... Read More about Shared Positions on Divisive Beliefs Explain Interorganizational Collaboration: Evidence from Climate Change Policy Subsystems in 11 Countries.

Network ties, institutional roles and advocacy tactics:Exploring explanations for perceptions of influence in climate change policy networks (2021)
Journal Article
Wagner, P. M., Ocelík, P., Gronow, A., Ylä-Anttila, T., Schmidt, L., & Delicado, A. (2023). Network ties, institutional roles and advocacy tactics:Exploring explanations for perceptions of influence in climate change policy networks. Social Networks, 75, 78-87.

The extent to which a policy actor is perceived as being influential by others can shape their role in a policy process. The interest group literature has examined how the use of advocacy tactics, such as lobbying or media campaigns, contributes to a... Read More about Network ties, institutional roles and advocacy tactics:Exploring explanations for perceptions of influence in climate change policy networks.

Governing a multilevel and cross-sectoral climate policy implementation network (2021)
Journal Article
Wagner, P. M., Torney, D., & Ylä‐Anttila, T. (2021). Governing a multilevel and cross-sectoral climate policy implementation network. Environmental Policy and Governance, 31(5), 417-431.

For national governments to meet their international climate change obligations they need to develop and implement plans that involve coordinating the actions of local, regional and national level actors from across multiple sectors. When this occurs... Read More about Governing a multilevel and cross-sectoral climate policy implementation network.

Unity in diversity? When advocacy coalitions and policy beliefs grow trees in South Africa (2021)
Journal Article
Malkamäki, A., Ylä-Anttila, T., Brockhaus, M., Toppinen, A., & Wagner, P. M. (2021). Unity in diversity? When advocacy coalitions and policy beliefs grow trees in South Africa. Land Use Policy, 102, Article 105283.

Competing coalitions can stabilise policymaking and hinder policy changes that are required to address the mounting pressures on land use systems across the globe. Thus, understanding the driving forces of coalition formation is important. This paper... Read More about Unity in diversity? When advocacy coalitions and policy beliefs grow trees in South Africa.

What Explains Collaboration in High and Low Conflict Contexts? Comparing Climate Change Policy Networks in Four Countries (2021)
Journal Article
Kammerer, M., Wagner, P. M., Gronow, A., Ylä‐Anttila, T., Fisher, D. R., & Sun‐Jin, Y. (2021). What Explains Collaboration in High and Low Conflict Contexts? Comparing Climate Change Policy Networks in Four Countries. Policy Studies Journal, 49(4), 1065-1086.

Explaining collaboration between actors involved in policy processes is crucial for understanding these processes and their outcomes. The policy science literature has advanced several hypotheses explicating what enables or hinders collaboration. How... Read More about What Explains Collaboration in High and Low Conflict Contexts? Comparing Climate Change Policy Networks in Four Countries.

Information exchange networks at the climate science‐policy interface: Evidence from the Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, and Portugal (2020)
Journal Article
Wagner, P. M., Ylä‐Anttila, T., Gronow, A., Ocelík, P., Schmidt, L., & Delicado, A. (2021). Information exchange networks at the climate science‐policy interface: Evidence from the Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, and Portugal. Governance, 34(1), 211-228.

Scientifically informed climate policymaking starts with the exchange of credible, salient, and legitimate scientific information between scientists and policymakers. It is therefore important to understand what explains the exchange of scientific in... Read More about Information exchange networks at the climate science‐policy interface: Evidence from the Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, and Portugal.

Explaining collaboration in consensual and conflictual governance networks (2019)
Journal Article
Gronow, A., Wagner, P., & Ylä‐Anttila, T. (2020). Explaining collaboration in consensual and conflictual governance networks. Public Administration, 98(3), 730-745.

The conditions under which policy beliefs and influential actors shape collaborative behaviour in governance networks are not well understood. This article applies exponential random graph models to network data from Finland and Sweden to investigate... Read More about Explaining collaboration in consensual and conflictual governance networks.

On the Acoustics of Policy Learning: Can Co‐Participation in Policy Forums Break Up Echo Chambers? (2019)
Journal Article
Malkamäki, A., Wagner, P. M., Brockhaus, M., Toppinen, A., & Ylä‐Anttila, T. (2021). On the Acoustics of Policy Learning: Can Co‐Participation in Policy Forums Break Up Echo Chambers?. Policy Studies Journal, 49(2), 431-456.

Overcoming common-pool resource dilemmas requires learning across different sectors of society. However, policy actors frequently entrench themselves in so-called echo chambers by preferring to rely on information from those whose policy beliefs rese... Read More about On the Acoustics of Policy Learning: Can Co‐Participation in Policy Forums Break Up Echo Chambers?.

Can policy forums overcome echo chamber effects by enabling policy learning? Evidence from the Irish climate change policy network (2018)
Journal Article
Wagner, P. M., & Ylä-Anttila, T. (2020). Can policy forums overcome echo chamber effects by enabling policy learning? Evidence from the Irish climate change policy network. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 194-211.

Research has repeatedly shown that individuals and organisations tend to obtain information from others whose beliefs are similar to their own, forming “echo chambers” with their network ties. Echo chambers are potentially harmful for evidence-based... Read More about Can policy forums overcome echo chamber effects by enabling policy learning? Evidence from the Irish climate change policy network.