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All Outputs (69)

Global Cancer Nurse's experiences and perceptions of potential occupational exposure to cytotoxic drugs: Mixed methods systematic review with Framework Synthesis (2024)
Journal Article
Campbell, K., Afseth, J., Dunham, M., King, M., & Dicksit, D. (online). Global Cancer Nurse's experiences and perceptions of potential occupational exposure to cytotoxic drugs: Mixed methods systematic review with Framework Synthesis. Journal of Clinical Nursing,

Aim: To conceptualise experiences and perceptions of cancer nurses' potential for occupational exposure when dealing with cytotoxic drugs (CDs).Design: A mixed methods systematic review with framework synthesis.Methods and Data Sources: A literature... Read More about Global Cancer Nurse's experiences and perceptions of potential occupational exposure to cytotoxic drugs: Mixed methods systematic review with Framework Synthesis.

Factors for consideration for haematological cancer patients when planning for place of death: A Constructive Grounded theory study (2024)
Journal Article
Campbell, K., & Stoddart, K. (online). Factors for consideration for haematological cancer patients when planning for place of death: A Constructive Grounded theory study. Cancer Nursing,

Background: Planning place of death is considered’ troublesome for patients with hematological cancer. Qualitative studies have focused on health care professionals and caregivers. To date, no study has been conducted from the patient’s perspective o... Read More about Factors for consideration for haematological cancer patients when planning for place of death: A Constructive Grounded theory study.

A survey of quality-of-life tools used in the routine care of patients with multiple myeloma (2023)
Journal Article
Kirkpatrick, S., Campbell, K., & Harding, S. (2023). A survey of quality-of-life tools used in the routine care of patients with multiple myeloma. British Journal of Nursing, 32(5), S10-S14.

New treatment options have significantly improved the life expectancy of myeloma patients such that their cause of death is increasingly likely to be from something other than myeloma. Furthermore, the adverse effects of short- or long-... Read More about A survey of quality-of-life tools used in the routine care of patients with multiple myeloma.

The Hematology Cancer patient Experience of ' Facing Death' in the last Year of Life: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study (2022)
Journal Article
Campbell, K., Harris, F., & Stoddart, K. (2024). The Hematology Cancer patient Experience of ' Facing Death' in the last Year of Life: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study. Cancer Nursing, 47(2), 132-140.

For hematology cancer patients, the process of dying is described as “troublesome.” Qualitative studies have focused on views of healthcare professionals and caregiver stakeholders. To date, there have been no studies from the patient’s... Read More about The Hematology Cancer patient Experience of ' Facing Death' in the last Year of Life: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study.

A scoping review to establish the utility of patient reported outcome measures in blood cancer (2022)
Journal Article
Kirkpatrick, S., & Campbell, K. (2022). A scoping review to establish the utility of patient reported outcome measures in blood cancer. Annals of Oncology, 33(suppl_7), S1371.

Blood cancers can have devastating effects on patients’ physical, emotional, and psychosocial health. With improvements in therapies, patients are living longer. There is growing evidence to support the use of Patient Reported Outcome Mea... Read More about A scoping review to establish the utility of patient reported outcome measures in blood cancer.

CN32 Cancer nurses' experiences and perceptions of potential occupational exposure to cytotoxic drugs: Systematic review utilising framework analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Campbell, K., Afseth, J., & Dunham, M. (2022). CN32 Cancer nurses' experiences and perceptions of potential occupational exposure to cytotoxic drugs: Systematic review utilising framework analysis. Annals of Oncology, 33(suppl_7), S1362.

In the UK control of substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) define chemotherapy as a hazardous substance. Therefore, it is imperative that employers assess the risk and take suitable precautions for their employees. The ‘Safe... Read More about CN32 Cancer nurses' experiences and perceptions of potential occupational exposure to cytotoxic drugs: Systematic review utilising framework analysis.

CN25 The haemato-oncology patient experience of the process of palliative care: A constructivist grounded theory study (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Campbell, K. (2021). CN25 The haemato-oncology patient experience of the process of palliative care: A constructivist grounded theory study. Annals of Oncology, 32(suppl_5), S1265.

Haemato-oncology (HO) patients comprise 8.5% of the overall adult cancers within the UK. Despite advances in treatment, eventually the majority will enter into a palliative care phase. Evidence suggests palliative care is late or non-exis... Read More about CN25 The haemato-oncology patient experience of the process of palliative care: A constructivist grounded theory study.

Fundamentals in Cancer Care (2021)
Foulkes, M., Lavender, V., Kumaralingam, N., & Campbell, K. (Eds.). (2021). Fundamentals in Cancer Care. Witney: EBN health

This is a practice focus guide for staff working in clinical practice in primary and acute cancer care with an emphasis on nursing .
A valuable tool for learners at multiple levels of practice from pre-registration to specialised cancer care roles.... Read More about Fundamentals in Cancer Care.

Healthcare Professional and Service User Perspectives on Formal Educational Programmes for Children and Young People with Cancer in the UK (2020)
Journal Article
McInally, W., & Campbell, K. (2022). Healthcare Professional and Service User Perspectives on Formal Educational Programmes for Children and Young People with Cancer in the UK. Journal of Cancer Education, 37, 608-614.

Caring for children and young people with cancer requires specific knowledge, skills and experience to deliver the complex care regimes both within the hospital or community environment. This study explored the educational gaps in caring for children... Read More about Healthcare Professional and Service User Perspectives on Formal Educational Programmes for Children and Young People with Cancer in the UK.

Health professionals' lack of knowledge of central venous access devices: the impact on patients (2019)
Journal Article
Kelly, L. J., Snowden, A., Paterson, R., & Campbell, K. (2019). Health professionals' lack of knowledge of central venous access devices: the impact on patients. British Journal of Nursing, 28(14),

The literature on patient experience of living with a central venous access device (CVAD) is growing, but remains sparse. It suggests that patients accept CVADs as should reduce episodes of repeated cannulations. However, a recent doctor... Read More about Health professionals' lack of knowledge of central venous access devices: the impact on patients.

The implementation and impact of Holistic Needs Assessments for people affected by cancer: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of the literature (2019)
Journal Article
Johnston, L., Young, J., & Campbell, K. (2019). The implementation and impact of Holistic Needs Assessments for people affected by cancer: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of the literature. European Journal of Cancer Care, 28(3), Article e13087.

Globally, cancer services herald the use of Holistic Needs Assessments (HNA). Implementation is, however, heterogeneous. There is a need to understand what effect implementation variation has on patient experience, outcomes and service d... Read More about The implementation and impact of Holistic Needs Assessments for people affected by cancer: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of the literature.

Systematic review of the implementation and impact of holistic needs assessments for people affected by cancer (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Campbell, K., Johnston, L., & Young, J. (2018, November). Systematic review of the implementation and impact of holistic needs assessments for people affected by cancer. Poster presented at UKONS 2018, Glasgow, Scotland

Purpose: International government and clinical policy recommends people affected by cancer should have all their needs assessed. Implementation of holistic needs assessments (HNA) is however heterogeneous, involving different assessors, assessment to... Read More about Systematic review of the implementation and impact of holistic needs assessments for people affected by cancer.