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All Outputs (8)

Identifying how pre-existing resources combine to shape the experiences of work and family life of a diverse sample of working parents with at least one child in primary school in Scotland during COVID-19 pandemic-related social restrictions: a qualitative descriptive design (2024)
Journal Article
McQueen, F., & Osborn, S. (2024). Identifying how pre-existing resources combine to shape the experiences of work and family life of a diverse sample of working parents with at least one child in primary school in Scotland during COVID-19 pandemic-related social restrictions: a qualitative descriptive design. BMJ Open, 14(6), Article e078850.

Objectives: This study aimed to identify factors that shaped working parents (WPs’) experiences of COVID-19-related social restrictions and analyse the relationships between those factors. Design: A qualitative descriptive design was used to collect... Read More about Identifying how pre-existing resources combine to shape the experiences of work and family life of a diverse sample of working parents with at least one child in primary school in Scotland during COVID-19 pandemic-related social restrictions: a qualitative descriptive design.

Young men and violence against women prevention: Exploring reactions and emotions (2024)
McQueen, F. (2024). Young men and violence against women prevention: Exploring reactions and emotions. Edinburgh: School of Applied Sciences, Edinburgh Napier University

There has been an increase in attention paid to the need for prevention work in response to the pervasive issue of violence against women (VAW) which includes femicide, rape and other violence. The need to directly address men and boys in prevention... Read More about Young men and violence against women prevention: Exploring reactions and emotions.

Re-configuring the jigsaw puzzle: Balancing time, pace, place and space of work in the Covid-19 era (2023)
Journal Article
Grant, K., McQueen, F., Osborn, S., & Holland, P. (2024). Re-configuring the jigsaw puzzle: Balancing time, pace, place and space of work in the Covid-19 era. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 45(3), 794-815.

Drawing on the principles of Conservation of Resources (COR) theory and the Work–Home Resources (W-HR) model, this research captured the lived experiences of 19 parents from across Scotland during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. The data were derive... Read More about Re-configuring the jigsaw puzzle: Balancing time, pace, place and space of work in the Covid-19 era.

The new feeling rules of emotion work in heterosexual couple relationships (2022)
Journal Article
McQueen, F. (2023). The new feeling rules of emotion work in heterosexual couple relationships. Emotions and Society, 5(1), 85-99.

This article suggests that new feeling rules of intimacy within heterosexual couple relationships are widely recognised and reflect the contention that an androgynisation of the value of emotion is taking place (Illouz, 2008) whereby men are expected... Read More about The new feeling rules of emotion work in heterosexual couple relationships.

‘I Would Like to Be Better at It’: A Critical Engagement with Illouz’s Account of Men and Intimacy in Romantic Relationships (2019)
Book Chapter
McQueen, F., & Osborn, S. (2020). ‘I Would Like to Be Better at It’: A Critical Engagement with Illouz’s Account of Men and Intimacy in Romantic Relationships. In J. Carter, & L. Arocha (Eds.), Romantic Relationships in a Time of ‘Cold Intimacies’ (83-107). Palgrave Macmillan.

With a focus on established heterosexual romantic relationships, this chapter engages with Illouz’s claim that the predominance of the therapeutic ethos has caused a convergence in the capacity for intimacy between middle-class men and women and a di... Read More about ‘I Would Like to Be Better at It’: A Critical Engagement with Illouz’s Account of Men and Intimacy in Romantic Relationships.

Engaging young working class men in the delivery of sex and relationships education (2019)
Journal Article
Brown, S., & McQueen, F. (2020). Engaging young working class men in the delivery of sex and relationships education. Sex Education, 20(2), 186-201.

Despite a substantial body of research on young people’s wishes about the content and delivery of sex and relationships education (SRE), studies still indicate dissatisfaction with the way lessons are provided. This discussion takes place in a public... Read More about Engaging young working class men in the delivery of sex and relationships education.

Male emotionality: ‘boys don’t cry’ versus ‘it’s good to talk’ (2017)
Journal Article
McQueen, F. (2017). Male emotionality: ‘boys don’t cry’ versus ‘it’s good to talk’. NORMA - Nordisk tidsskrift for maskulinitetsstudier, 12(3-4), 205-219.

In this article male affect within intimate relationships is examined as a product of the tension between two competing discourses: ‘it’s good to talk’ versus ‘boys don’t cry’. Central to this tension is how men perform ‘manliness’ within intimate re... Read More about Male emotionality: ‘boys don’t cry’ versus ‘it’s good to talk’.