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Students' perceptions of digital narratives of compassionate care (2016)
Journal Article
Waugh, A., & Donaldson, J. (2016). Students' perceptions of digital narratives of compassionate care. Nurse Education in Practice, 17, 22-29.

This study set out to explore the learning that occurred from listening to narratives of compassionate care, and to identify students’ preferred story formats and other potential uses of such stories. Four short stories in different media formats wer... Read More about Students' perceptions of digital narratives of compassionate care.

Peerwise: online assessment for learning. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Waugh, A. (2015, December). Peerwise: online assessment for learning. Paper presented at Innovations in teaching and supporting learning: Edinburgh Napier University Teaching Fellows Conference

Presentation delivered at the Edinburgh Napier University Teaching Fellows Conference 2015.

Development of values-based person specification for recruitment and election of compassionate nursing and midwifery students. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Waugh, A. (2015, February). Development of values-based person specification for recruitment and election of compassionate nursing and midwifery students. Paper presented at 18th Conference of East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS): Integrating sciences and humanities in doctoral nursing education, Taipei, Taiwan

Presentation delivered at the 18th Conference of East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) 2015.

Student's perception of compassionate care stories: evaluation of digital stories in facilitating reflection and discussion. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Waugh, A. (2015, February). Student's perception of compassionate care stories: evaluation of digital stories in facilitating reflection and discussion. Paper presented at 18th Conference of East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars(EAFONS): Integrating sciences and humanities in doctoral nursing education

Over the last decade or so, healthcare policy has focused increasingly on making personcentred
values including, treating people with dignity, respect and compassing explicit within
education (NMC, 2010; DOH, 2013) and an integral aspect o... Read More about Student's perception of compassionate care stories: evaluation of digital stories in facilitating reflection and discussion..

Ross and Wilson: Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness (12th edition) (2014)
Waugh, A., & Grant, A. (2014). Ross and Wilson: Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness (12th edition). Churchill Livinstone

Ross and Wilson has been the number one choice for over a million students since it first published, over 50 years ago. One of the world's most popular textbooks of anatomy and physiology, it introduces the structure and functions of the human body a... Read More about Ross and Wilson: Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness (12th edition).

Ross and Wilson: Anatomy and phsysiology: colouring and workbook. (4th edition) (2014)
Waugh, A., & Grant, A. (2014). Ross and Wilson: Anatomy and phsysiology: colouring and workbook. (4th edition). Churchill Livingstone

Based on the best-selling textbook, Ross and Wilson: Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness, 12th edition, this Colouring and Workbook is the number one choice for students whose healthcare courses include the study of anatomy and physiology. T... Read More about Ross and Wilson: Anatomy and phsysiology: colouring and workbook. (4th edition).

Towards a values-based person specification for recruitment of compassionate nursing and midwifery candidates: A study of registered and student nurses' and midwives' perceptions of prerequisite attributes and key skills (2014)
Journal Article
Waugh, A., Smith, D., Horsburgh, D., & Gray, M. (2014). Towards a values-based person specification for recruitment of compassionate nursing and midwifery candidates: A study of registered and student nurses' and midwives' perceptions of prerequisite attributes and key skills. Nurse Education Today, 34(9), 1190-1195.


Selection and retention of preregistration nursing and midwifery students are issues that exercise educators, universities and commissioning bodies both nationally and internationally. It has recently become an expectation that a values-ba... Read More about Towards a values-based person specification for recruitment of compassionate nursing and midwifery candidates: A study of registered and student nurses' and midwives' perceptions of prerequisite attributes and key skills.

Student's perception of compassionate care stories: evaluation of podcasts and digital stories in promoting discussion and reflection about nursing practice. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Waugh, A. (2014, June). Student's perception of compassionate care stories: evaluation of podcasts and digital stories in promoting discussion and reflection about nursing practice. Paper presented at 5th International Nurse Education Conference (NETNEP)

Presentation delivered at the 5th International Nurse Education Conference (NETNEP) 2014.