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All Outputs (323)

Towards intelligibility-oriented audio-visual speech enhancement (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hussain, T., Gogate, M., Dashtipour, K., & Hussain, A. (2021, September). Towards intelligibility-oriented audio-visual speech enhancement. Presented at The Clarity Workshop on Machine Learning Challenges for Hearing Aids (Clarity-2021), Online

Existing deep learning (DL) based approaches are generally optimised to minimise the distance between clean and enhanced speech features. These often result in improved speech quality however they suffer from a lack of generalisation and may not deli... Read More about Towards intelligibility-oriented audio-visual speech enhancement.

Migrating Models: A Decentralized View on Federated Learning (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kiss, P., & Horváth, T. (2021, September). Migrating Models: A Decentralized View on Federated Learning. Presented at ECML PKDD 2021, Online

Federated learning (FL) researches attempt to alleviate the increasing difficulty of training machine learning models, when the training data is generated in a massively distributed way. The key idea behind these methods is moving the training to loc... Read More about Migrating Models: A Decentralized View on Federated Learning.

Ethical Frameworks for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Social Robots in Children’s Healthcare Experiences (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zeller, F., Petrick, R. P., Harris Smith, D., Stinson, J., Ellen Foster, M., & Ali, S. (2021, March). Ethical Frameworks for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Social Robots in Children’s Healthcare Experiences. Presented at HRI 2021 Workshop on Measuring Child-Robot Relationships, Online

This multi-disciplinary project aims to develop and evaluate an ethical, AI-enhanced, socially intelligent robot designed to alleviate children’s distress and pain in a clinical setting. Spanning different disciplines such as HRI, communication scien... Read More about Ethical Frameworks for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Social Robots in Children’s Healthcare Experiences.

Development and preliminary evaluation of a serious game to communicate a digitally enhanced advance service (DEAS) offer (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khan, M. S., Charissis, V., & Harrison, D. (2021, May). Development and preliminary evaluation of a serious game to communicate a digitally enhanced advance service (DEAS) offer. Presented at Spring Servitization Conference 2021, Online

DEAS are a cluster of high-value business models that focus on the delivery of outcomes rather than products to customers (DEAS NetworkPlus, 2020). Advance Service offers can be challenging to communicate and limit businesses understanding in the val... Read More about Development and preliminary evaluation of a serious game to communicate a digitally enhanced advance service (DEAS) offer.

Design principles and user experience of automotive head-up display development (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Charissis, V., Bram Larbi, K. F., Lagoo, R., Wang, S., & Khan, S. (2021, December). Design principles and user experience of automotive head-up display development. Presented at International Display Workshops (IDW '21), Online

The paper presents a comparison of three prototype Head-Up Display interfaces aiming to improve drivers' safety. The evaluation attempts to identify their user-experience commonalities which are preferred by the drivers and improve their driving patt... Read More about Design principles and user experience of automotive head-up display development.

Dynamic Optimal Coding and Scheduling for Distributed Learning over Wireless Edge Networks (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Van Huynh, N., Hoang, D. T., Nguyen, D. N., & Dutkiewicz, E. (2021, December). Dynamic Optimal Coding and Scheduling for Distributed Learning over Wireless Edge Networks. Presented at GLOBECOM 2021 - 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference, Madrid, Spain

This paper proposes a novel framework that can effectively address key challenges for the development of distributed learning over wireless edge networks. In particular, we first introduce a highly effective distributed learning model leveraging the... Read More about Dynamic Optimal Coding and Scheduling for Distributed Learning over Wireless Edge Networks.

The Opportunity of Cadmium Stannate as Transparent Conducting Oxide for Perovskite-Based Concentrated Photovoltaic System (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khalid, M., Roy, A., Sundaram, S., & Mallick, T. K. (2021, September). The Opportunity of Cadmium Stannate as Transparent Conducting Oxide for Perovskite-Based Concentrated Photovoltaic System. Presented at 38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition 2021, Online

The relative scarcity and high cost associated with indium or fluorine, fabrication approaches surface roughness, and low adhesion to polymeric materials are significant drawbacks for indium tin oxide (ITO) and fluorine tin oxide (FTO)-based transpar... Read More about The Opportunity of Cadmium Stannate as Transparent Conducting Oxide for Perovskite-Based Concentrated Photovoltaic System.

Chefbot: A Novel Framework for the Generation of Commonsense-enhanced Responses for Task-based Dialogue Systems (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Strathearn, C., & Gkatzia, D. (2021, August). Chefbot: A Novel Framework for the Generation of Commonsense-enhanced Responses for Task-based Dialogue Systems. Presented at 14th International Conference on Natural Language Generation, Aberdeen

Conversational systems aim to generate responses that are accurate, relevant and engaging, either through utilising neural end-to-end models or through slot filling. Human-to-human conversations are enhanced by not only the latest utterance of the in... Read More about Chefbot: A Novel Framework for the Generation of Commonsense-enhanced Responses for Task-based Dialogue Systems.

An Attribute Weight Estimation Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Machine Learning Approaches for Customer Churn Prediction (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kanwal, S., Rashid, J., Kim, J., Nisar, M. W., Hussain, A., Batool, S., & Kanwal, R. (2021, November). An Attribute Weight Estimation Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Machine Learning Approaches for Customer Churn Prediction. Presented at 2021 International Conference on Innovative Computing (ICIC), Lahore, Pakistan

One of the most challenging problems in the telecommunications industry is predicting customer churn (CCP). Decision-makers and business experts stressed that acquiring new clients is more expensive than maintaining current ones. From current churn d... Read More about An Attribute Weight Estimation Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Machine Learning Approaches for Customer Churn Prediction.

Empowering SMEs to embrace the SDGs in a Post-Covid Scotland (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fonseca, A. P., Crossan, K., Tan, H., Bratton, A., & Weaver, M. (2021, November). Empowering SMEs to embrace the SDGs in a Post-Covid Scotland. Presented at ISBE Conference 2021, Cardiff

The United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP argues that the global coronavirus pandemic has caused unimaginable consequences to the global community's economy, social structure, and ecosystem. Overcoming this situation is only possible when envir... Read More about Empowering SMEs to embrace the SDGs in a Post-Covid Scotland.

Predicting CO2 and CH4 Transport in Landfill Gas Using Porous Inorganic Membranes Operated in The Darcy Regime (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gobina, E., Ogunlude, P., Abunumah, O., Giwa, A., & Muhammad-Sukki, F. (2021, December). Predicting CO2 and CH4 Transport in Landfill Gas Using Porous Inorganic Membranes Operated in The Darcy Regime. Presented at International Congress on Scientific Advances (ICONSAD’21), Online

The present work is focusing on the utilization of previously fabricated membrane to study the effect of pressure drop and temperature on permeability. Mass transfer considerations were used under previously optimized conditions. Subsequently, gas pe... Read More about Predicting CO2 and CH4 Transport in Landfill Gas Using Porous Inorganic Membranes Operated in The Darcy Regime.

Using IOTA as an Inter-Vehicular Trust Mechanism in Autonomous Vehicles (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cutajar, O., Moradpoor, N., & Jaroucheh, Z. (2021, December). Using IOTA as an Inter-Vehicular Trust Mechanism in Autonomous Vehicles. Presented at SINCONF 2021: 14th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks, Edinburgh (Online)

In a perfect world, coordination and cooperation across distributed autonomous systems would be a trivial task. However, incomplete information, malicious actors and real-world conditions can provide challenges which bring the trust-worthiness of par... Read More about Using IOTA as an Inter-Vehicular Trust Mechanism in Autonomous Vehicles.

VNWTS: A Virtual Water Chlorination Process for Cybersecurity Analysis of Industrial Control Systems (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Robles Durazno, A., Moradpoor, N., McWhinnie, J., & Porcel-Bustamante, J. (2021, December). VNWTS: A Virtual Water Chlorination Process for Cybersecurity Analysis of Industrial Control Systems. Presented at SINCONF 2021: 14th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks, Edinburgh (Online)

The rapid development of technology during the last decades has led to the integration of the network capabilities in the devices that are essential in the operation of Industrial Control Systems (ICS). Consequently, the attack surface of these asset... Read More about VNWTS: A Virtual Water Chlorination Process for Cybersecurity Analysis of Industrial Control Systems.

How are we positioning degree apprenticeships? Analysis of adverts (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fabian, K., Taylor-Smith, E., & Smith, S. (2021, December). How are we positioning degree apprenticeships? Analysis of adverts. Presented at SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education, Online

Degree apprentices are recruited by employers, rather than universities, reflecting their status as paid employees, first and foremost. This study analysed job adverts for IT degree apprenticeship roles to investigate the: skills, attributes, and qua... Read More about How are we positioning degree apprenticeships? Analysis of adverts.

Degree Apprentices’ Lockdown Survey: Reflections on working and studying from home (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor-Smith, E., & Fabian, K. (2021, December). Degree Apprentices’ Lockdown Survey: Reflections on working and studying from home. Presented at SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education, Online

During the first UK lockdown period, degree apprentices in two universities in Scotland were invited to complete a short qualitative survey with their reflections on starting to work and study from home. They were encouraged to complete the survey o... Read More about Degree Apprentices’ Lockdown Survey: Reflections on working and studying from home.

The Task2Dial Dataset: A Novel Dataset for Commonsense-enhanced Task-based Dialogue Grounded in Documents (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Strathearn, C., & Gkatzia, D. (2021, November). The Task2Dial Dataset: A Novel Dataset for Commonsense-enhanced Task-based Dialogue Grounded in Documents. Presented at 4th International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing (ICNLSP 2021), Trento, Italy [Online]

This paper describes the Task2Dial dataset, a novel dataset of document-grounded task-based dialogues in the food preparation domain , where an Information Giver (IG) provides instructions to an Information Follower (IF) so that the latter can succes... Read More about The Task2Dial Dataset: A Novel Dataset for Commonsense-enhanced Task-based Dialogue Grounded in Documents.

Tracking Stream Quality Issues in Combined Physical and Radar Sensors for IoT-based Data-driven Actuation (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bamgboye, O., Liu, X., Cruickshank, P., Liu, Q., & Zhang, Y. (2021, December). Tracking Stream Quality Issues in Combined Physical and Radar Sensors for IoT-based Data-driven Actuation. Presented at 2021 CIE International Conference on Radar (Radar), Haikou, Hainan, China

In this paper, a stream quality tracking for measurements from combined radar and physical sensors is developed. The authors proposed the use of RDF stream processing system and semantic rules to provide semantic reasoning for tracking erroneous data... Read More about Tracking Stream Quality Issues in Combined Physical and Radar Sensors for IoT-based Data-driven Actuation.

A Study of Biogas Upgrading to Bio-Methane with Carbon dioxide Capture using Ceramic Membranes (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ogunlude, P., Abunumah, O., Muhammad-Sukki, F., & Gobina, E. (2021, August). A Study of Biogas Upgrading to Bio-Methane with Carbon dioxide Capture using Ceramic Membranes. Presented at 8th International Conference & Exhibition on Advanced & Nano Materials (ICANM2021), Ottawa, Canada [Online]

Greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and their effects have been a matter of global concern over the past decade. With growing energy demands to support developing economies, there has been a challenge of harnessing and utilizing sustainable forms of ener... Read More about A Study of Biogas Upgrading to Bio-Methane with Carbon dioxide Capture using Ceramic Membranes.

Size matters in a Circular Economy: a practical framework applying Futures Literacy to support Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Weigend, R., Viero, G., Schindler, T., Guadarrama, G., & Pomponi, F. (2021, July). Size matters in a Circular Economy: a practical framework applying Futures Literacy to support Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs). Presented at ISDRS 2021: The 27nd International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference, Östersund, Sweden

The Circular Economy (CE) is conceived by many as paramount to decouple economic growth from environmental impacts and resource depletion. Implementing this economic paradigm in the private sector is challenging, as it requires substantial changes at... Read More about Size matters in a Circular Economy: a practical framework applying Futures Literacy to support Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs).

Underreporting of errors in NLG output, and what to do about it (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
van Miltenburg, E., Clinciu, M.-A., Dušek, O., Gkatzia, D., Inglis, S., Leppänen, L., Mahamood, S., Manning, E., Schoch, S., Thomson, C., & Wen, L. (2021, September). Underreporting of errors in NLG output, and what to do about it. Presented at 14th International Conference on Natural Language Generation, Aberdeen, UK

We observe a severe under-reporting of the different kinds of errors that Natural Language Generation systems make. This is a problem, because mistakes are an important indicator of where systems should still be improved. If authors only report overa... Read More about Underreporting of errors in NLG output, and what to do about it.