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All Outputs (21)

Brexit has started: so what should Remain Vote Scotland do to protect its interests? (2017)
Newspaper / Magazine
Blake, J. (2017). Brexit has started: so what should Remain Vote Scotland do to protect its interests?. Edinburgh, Scotland

This Scotsman newspaper article is based on research by James Blake - examining the impact of Brexit on the creative industries - and other reports from members of the RSE Young Academy Scotland. The article highlights the ongoing social and politica... Read More about Brexit has started: so what should Remain Vote Scotland do to protect its interests?.

Lessons from the Doklam Pass: how little Bhutan faced down China over a border dispute (2017)
Newspaper / Magazine
Whitecross, R. (2017). Lessons from the Doklam Pass: how little Bhutan faced down China over a border dispute.

Whitecross, R. (2017). Lessons from the Doklam Pass: how little Bhutan faced down China over a border dispute.

Army boots are blamed for injuries (2017)
Newspaper / Magazine
Graham, S., & Martindale, R. (2017). Army boots are blamed for injuries. Uk

The study investigated loads and impact using British military drill boots.

How WannaCry caused global panic but failed to turn much of a profit (2017)
Newspaper / Magazine
Buchanan, B. (2017). How WannaCry caused global panic but failed to turn much of a profit.

The WannaCry cyber-attack led to panic across the globe, showing just how important it is for organisations to have secure operating systems. This was not even the most sophisticated malware around. Numerous networks could easily cope with it and it... Read More about How WannaCry caused global panic but failed to turn much of a profit.

The next cyberattack could come from sound waves (2017)
Newspaper / Magazine
Buchanan, B. (2017). The next cyberattack could come from sound waves.

You might think your smartphone or laptop is relatively safe from cyber attacks thanks to anti-virus and encryption software. But your devices are increasingly at risk from “side-channel” attacks, where an intruder can bypass traditional network entr... Read More about The next cyberattack could come from sound waves.

David Bowie’s late revival belongs to a grand tradition dating back to Beethoven (2017)
Newspaper / Magazine
Frayn, A., & Durkin, R. (2017). David Bowie’s late revival belongs to a grand tradition dating back to Beethoven.

On David Bowie's Blackstar as embodying aspects of late style, as discussed by Theodor Adorno and Edward Said.