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Review of Water Ingress Characteristic of Stressed Masonry (2001)
Journal Article
Tait, C. J., Khalaf, F. M., & Kermani, A. (2001). Review of Water Ingress Characteristic of Stressed Masonry. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 13(5), 332-339.

Studies have found that over 80% of total water ingress occurs at the brick/mortar interface and not through the brick unit or the mortar. The interface between the brick and mortar is influenced by the tensile bond strength between the two, which is... Read More about Review of Water Ingress Characteristic of Stressed Masonry.

The environmental attitudes and practices of family businesses in the rural tourism and hospitality sectors. (2001)
Journal Article
Carlsen, J., Getz, D., & Ali-Knight, J. (2001). The environmental attitudes and practices of family businesses in the rural tourism and hospitality sectors. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 9(4), 281-297.

This paper examines the environmental goals of rural, family owned/operated tourism
business with a viewto evaluating their conservationethic andcommitment to sustainable
tourism. From a survey of 198 family businesses in Western Australia, it was... Read More about The environmental attitudes and practices of family businesses in the rural tourism and hospitality sectors..

Teaching multitasking to electronics and computing students (2001)
Journal Article
Armitage, A. (2001). Teaching multitasking to electronics and computing students. International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, 38, 338-347

Although widely used in the solution of engineering problems, multitasking is conceptually as complicated as parallel processing. A simple system that covers the key features of multitasking in a short time is presented. A description is given of its... Read More about Teaching multitasking to electronics and computing students.

A feminist trade union agenda? The continued significance of class, gender and race. (2001)
Journal Article
Munro, A. (2001). A feminist trade union agenda? The continued significance of class, gender and race. Gender, Work and Organization, 8(4), 454-471.

During the 1990s attempts to identify a feminist trade union agenda have focused on both the content and process of such a potential agenda. In a period in which trade unions have changed significantly, the general national agenda appears to be chang... Read More about A feminist trade union agenda? The continued significance of class, gender and race..

Begging, Rough Sleeping and Social Exclusion: Implications for Social Policy (2001)
Journal Article
Kennedy, C., & Fitzpatrick, S. (2001). Begging, Rough Sleeping and Social Exclusion: Implications for Social Policy. Urban Studies, 38(11), 2001-2016.

Begging has become highly visible in the urban centres of Britain in recent years, yet the experiences and motivations of people involved in this activity have remained underresearched. This paper explores the implications for social policy arising f... Read More about Begging, Rough Sleeping and Social Exclusion: Implications for Social Policy.

Aluminium Lactate Treatment of DQ12 Quartz Inhibits Its Ability to Cause Inflammation, Chemokine Expression, and Nuclear Factor-κB Activation (2001)
Journal Article
Duffin, R., Gilmour, P. S., Schins, R. P., Clouter, A., Guy, K., Brown, D. M., MacNee, W., Borm, P. J., Donaldson, K., & Stone, V. (2001). Aluminium Lactate Treatment of DQ12 Quartz Inhibits Its Ability to Cause Inflammation, Chemokine Expression, and Nuclear Factor-κB Activation. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 176(1), 10-17.

In 1997, an IARC Working Group classified quartz (crystalline silica) as a Group 1 lung carcinogen, but only in some industries, i.e., the quartz hazard is a variable entity. The reactivity of the quartz surface may underlie its ability to cause infl... Read More about Aluminium Lactate Treatment of DQ12 Quartz Inhibits Its Ability to Cause Inflammation, Chemokine Expression, and Nuclear Factor-κB Activation.

Published in Scotland: publishing Scotland. (2001)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McCleery, A. (2001, October). Published in Scotland: publishing Scotland. Paper presented at Scottish Communication and Media Association

No abstract available.

Energy use and transport correlation linking personal and travel related energy uses to the urban structure (2001)
Journal Article
Cooper, J., Ryley, T., Smyth, A., & Granzow, E. (2001). Energy use and transport correlation linking personal and travel related energy uses to the urban structure. Environmental Science and Policy, 4(6), 307-318.

This paper considers relationships between sustainability objectives, transport, spatial design of the built environment and rational use of energy. Conventional transport modelling, housing supply and energy assessment tools are drawn together to pr... Read More about Energy use and transport correlation linking personal and travel related energy uses to the urban structure.

News cultures and new social movements: radical journalism and the mainstream media. (2001)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Atton, C. (2001, October). News cultures and new social movements: radical journalism and the mainstream media. Paper presented at Scottish Media and Communication Association Annual Conference

Radical media can be viewed as an extremely democratic form of communication, where people normally denied access to the mainstream media are able to speak on issues that concern them. Radical media are especially important for new social movements,... Read More about News cultures and new social movements: radical journalism and the mainstream media..

Patient positioning and its effect on brain oxygenation. (2001)
Journal Article
Rowat, A. M. (2001). Patient positioning and its effect on brain oxygenation. Nursing Times, 97, 30

Stroke remains the third most common cause of death and the leading cause of major disability in the developed world. Recent evidence from randomised controlled trials (RCTs) suggests that some pharmacological treatments, such as aspirin (Chinese Acu... Read More about Patient positioning and its effect on brain oxygenation..

Diet and breeding performance of black-legged kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla at a North Sea colony (2001)
Journal Article
Lewis, S., Wanless, S., Wright, P., Harris, M., Bull, J., & Elston, D. (2001). Diet and breeding performance of black-legged kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla at a North Sea colony. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 221, 277-284.

The lesser sandeel Ammodytes marinus is a key prey species for many avian predators in the North Sea, and is the target of the largest single species fishery in the area. This has led to concern about the potential impact of the fishery on seabirds.... Read More about Diet and breeding performance of black-legged kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla at a North Sea colony.

New techniques in sol–gel characterisation – mechanical measurements and fractal characteristics (2001)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Williams, P., Williams, R. L., Jones, R., Al-Hussany, A., & Ravji, S. (2000, August). New techniques in sol–gel characterisation – mechanical measurements and fractal characteristics. Presented at 8th International Conference on Non-Crystalline Materials, Aberystwyth, UK

We report theoretical and experimental work which demonstrates how the viscoelastic dispersion of shear waves may be exploited in studies of the rheological properties of systems such as `critical-gels' – systems at the gel point. At the gel point a... Read More about New techniques in sol–gel characterisation – mechanical measurements and fractal characteristics.

Small tourism business networks and destination development (2001)
Journal Article
Tinsley, R., & Lynch, P. (2001). Small tourism business networks and destination development. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 20(4), 367-378.

This paper is based on ongoing research into networking between small tourism businesses and its contribution to destination development. The fieldwork is being carried out in a peripheral rural location. A detailed conceptual framework comprising of... Read More about Small tourism business networks and destination development.

Analysis of liquid outflow from single-outlet vessels (2001)
Journal Article
Koukouvaos, A., & Kubie, J. (2001). Analysis of liquid outflow from single-outlet vessels. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 215(10), 1189-1210.

The paper presents experimental and theoretical investigation of the outflow of liquids from single-outlet vessels incorporating a vertical downcomer. In such vessels the liquid leaving through the outlet of the downcomer is replaced by another fluid... Read More about Analysis of liquid outflow from single-outlet vessels.

Anandamide induces cardiorespiratory reflexes via vasosensory nerves in the anaesthetized rat. (2001)
Journal Article
Smith, P. J. W., Smith, P., & McQueen, D. S. (2001). Anandamide induces cardiorespiratory reflexes via vasosensory nerves in the anaesthetized rat. British Journal of Pharmacology, 134(3), 655-663.

We tested the hypothesis that sensory nerves innervating blood vessels play a role in the local and systemic regulation of the cardiovascular and respiratory (CVR) systems. We measured CVR reflexes evoked by administration of anandamide (86 – 863 nmo... Read More about Anandamide induces cardiorespiratory reflexes via vasosensory nerves in the anaesthetized rat..

A model of the commuting range of unemployed job seekers (2001)
Book Chapter
McQuaid, R. W., & Greig, M. (2001). A model of the commuting range of unemployed job seekers. In D. Pitfield (Ed.), Transport Planning, Logistics and Spatial Mismatch (152-166). Pion

The ability or willingness of unemployed people to travel further to a new job will affect the level of mismatch between job seekers and jobs (Brueckner and Martin 1997; Gabriel and Rosenthal, 1996; Holzer, 1991). Empirical evidence suggests that a r... Read More about A model of the commuting range of unemployed job seekers.

An investigation of techniques to identify the causes of foaming in activated sludge waste water. (2001)
Elliott, J. N. An investigation of techniques to identify the causes of foaming in activated sludge waste water. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Wastewater activated sludge treatment plants are among the most common
forms of biotechnological application. These plants breakdown influents of
organic and non-organic matter using a complex bacterial consortia in an
aerobic aqueous suspension.... Read More about An investigation of techniques to identify the causes of foaming in activated sludge waste water..