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All Outputs (29)

Interfaces to data models: taking a step backwards (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Barclay, P., Crerar, A., & Davidson, K. (1994, July). Interfaces to data models: taking a step backwards. Presented at Second International Workshop on Interfaces to Database Systems, Lancaster, UK

This paper is concerned with data modelling and the question of how to improve the quality of software tools to provide more effective support for the modeller. With the increasing interest in building intelligent interfaces to databases and associat... Read More about Interfaces to data models: taking a step backwards.

Real-time landmark detection for the mobile robot PARIDE (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ricotti, M., & Liotta, A. (1995, February). Real-time landmark detection for the mobile robot PARIDE. Presented at IS&T/SPIE's Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, 1995, San Jose, CA, United States

This paper summarizes the research activity on real time landmark tracking being developed at Robotics Laboratory at Pavia University. A visual tracking system for mobile robot PARIDE navigation is described. The purpose of the tracking system is to... Read More about Real-time landmark detection for the mobile robot PARIDE.

Generic Matrices in occam3(e) (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chutimaskul, W., & Kerridge, J. (1994, October). Generic Matrices in occam3(e). Presented at NATUG-7: Seventh Conference of the North American Transputer Users Group, Atlanta, GA

The possibility of enhancing the occam3 type system to support genericity for the purpose of reusability can be realised by means of user-defined parameterised types (UPTs) and overloading. A UPT is a mechanism for the reuse of data types and is empl... Read More about Generic Matrices in occam3(e).

W-SQL an interface for scalable, highly parallel, database machines (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kerridge, J., Walter, D., & Guiton, R. (1995, July). W-SQL an interface for scalable, highly parallel, database machines. Presented at British National Conference on Databases (BNCOD) 1995: Advances in Databases, Manchester, UK

The goal of any designer building a scalable database machine is to ensure that the interface between the relational processing part of the machine and the storage system is independent of the actual storage media. The interface should be as high a l... Read More about W-SQL an interface for scalable, highly parallel, database machines.

Generic Abstract Data Types in occam'3 (e) (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chutimaskul, W., & Kerridge, J. (1994, November). Generic Abstract Data Types in occam'3 (e). Presented at PCAT-94, Wollongong, Australia

This paper describes the library mechanism for defining generic abstract data types (generic ADTs) as an extension to occam3 (occam3(e)). A generic ADT must be able to reuse either base data types or pre-defined data types and existing operations.... Read More about Generic Abstract Data Types in occam'3 (e).

Invariant object recognition by neural network. (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Peng, M., Gupta, N. K., & Armitage, A. (1995, November). Invariant object recognition by neural network. Presented at Proc 1995 Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks

The use of local search suggestion lists for improving the solution of timetable problems with evolutionary algorithms. (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Paechter, B., Cumming, A., & Luchian, H. (1995, April). The use of local search suggestion lists for improving the solution of timetable problems with evolutionary algorithms. Presented at AISB International Workshop on Evolutionary Computing 1996, Brighton, UK

This paper presents a new genetic representation for timetabling with evolutionary algorithms. The representation involves the use of suggestion lists for the placement of events into timeslots. A set of recombination operators is defined for the new... Read More about The use of local search suggestion lists for improving the solution of timetable problems with evolutionary algorithms..

Using a conceptual data language to describe a database and its interface (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mitchell, K., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. (1995, July). Using a conceptual data language to describe a database and its interface. Presented at 13th British National Conference on Database - BNCOD13, 1995, University of Manchester

We propose a conceptual approach to defining interfaces to databases which uses the features of a fully object oriented data language to specify interface objects combined with database objects. This achieves a uniform, natural way of describing data... Read More about Using a conceptual data language to describe a database and its interface.

3D information visualisation: Identifying and measuring success (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kennedy, J., Mitchell, K., Barclay, P., & Marshall, B. (1995, July). 3D information visualisation: Identifying and measuring success. Presented at 2nd FADIVA Workshop, 1995, University of Glasgow

This paper presents some of our views on information visualisation and interfaces to databases with respect to the theme of the workshop.

MOTION - A New On-line Model for Urban Traffic Signal Control. (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bielefeldt, C., & Busch, F. (1994, August). MOTION - A New On-line Model for Urban Traffic Signal Control. Presented at Transportation Systems: Theory and Application of Advanced Technology, IFAC Symposium

This paper presents MOTION, a modular on-line model for urban traffic signal control. It consists of a network and a local level and builds on enhanced traffic state estimation. Special consideration is given to the prioritization of public transit.... Read More about MOTION - A New On-line Model for Urban Traffic Signal Control..

Setting the context for teaching business information (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hall, H. (1995, November). Setting the context for teaching business information. Paper presented at Improved practice and integrated skills in the LIS field

How do we teach information management students about the business environment? • How can we design courses on information sources and services provision that interest and motivate students?

Hospitality research: The emperor's new clothes? (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor, S. (1995, October). Hospitality research: The emperor's new clothes?. Paper presented at International Association of Hotel Management Schools Autumn Symposium, Gothenburg

Consumer choice in the future: An illusion or the next marketing revolution? (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor, S., Smith, S., & Lyon, P. (1995, October). Consumer choice in the future: An illusion or the next marketing revolution?. Presented at XV International Home Economics and Consumer Studies Conference, Manchester, UK

Taylor, S., Smith, S. and Lyon, P. (1995) Consumer choice in the future: An illusion or the next marketing revolution? In Consumer issues – strategies, solutions and legislation: Proceedings of XV International Home Economics and Consumer Studies C... Read More about Consumer choice in the future: An illusion or the next marketing revolution?.