IDIOMS: a multitransputer database machine
Book Chapter
Kerridge, J. (1995). IDIOMS: a multitransputer database machine. In Emerging trends in database and knowledge-base machines (9-23). IEEE Computer Society Press
All Outputs (5)
Generic Abstract Data Types in occam'3 (e) (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chutimaskul, W., & Kerridge, J. (1994, November). Generic Abstract Data Types in occam'3 (e). Presented at PCAT-94, Wollongong, AustraliaThis paper describes the library mechanism for defining generic abstract data types (generic ADTs) as an extension to occam3 (occam3(e)). A generic ADT must be able to reuse either base data types or pre-defined data types and existing operations.... Read More about Generic Abstract Data Types in occam'3 (e).
W-SQL an interface for scalable, highly parallel, database machines (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kerridge, J., Walter, D., & Guiton, R. (1995, July). W-SQL an interface for scalable, highly parallel, database machines. Presented at British National Conference on Databases (BNCOD) 1995: Advances in Databases, Manchester, UKThe goal of any designer building a scalable database machine is to ensure that the interface between the relational processing part of the machine and the storage system is independent of the actual storage media. The interface should be as high a l... Read More about W-SQL an interface for scalable, highly parallel, database machines.
Generic Matrices in occam3(e) (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chutimaskul, W., & Kerridge, J. (1994, October). Generic Matrices in occam3(e). Presented at NATUG-7: Seventh Conference of the North American Transputer Users Group, Atlanta, GAThe possibility of enhancing the occam3 type system to support genericity for the purpose of reusability can be realised by means of user-defined parameterised types (UPTs) and overloading. A UPT is a mechanism for the reuse of data types and is empl... Read More about Generic Matrices in occam3(e).
National Lotteries: An Exercise in Parallel Data Management Design (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kerridge, J. M., & North, S. (1995, December). National Lotteries: An Exercise in Parallel Data Management Design. Presented at Transputer Applications and Systems ’95The advent of a National Lottery in the United Kingdom prompted the thought about how one would design a highly parallel system to manage such an activity, especially, as the solution adopted by the lottery company was to use a parallel database mach... Read More about National Lotteries: An Exercise in Parallel Data Management Design.