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All Outputs (40)

Physiological contributions to successful downhill mountain bike performance (2011)
Hadden, S. L. Physiological contributions to successful downhill mountain bike performance. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Purpose: To, one, investigate the anatomical and physiological attributes of Downhill mountain bike athletes and, two, to determine the influence of these inherent physiological attributes on Downhill race performance. Methods: The study consisted of... Read More about Physiological contributions to successful downhill mountain bike performance.

Thick film electronic ceramic sensors for civil structures health monitoring (2011)
Jabir, S. A. A. Thick film electronic ceramic sensors for civil structures health monitoring. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Buildings, roads, bridges and structures in general suffer many kinds of damages due to overstress caused by settlements of foundations, high winds, dynamic forces, passing traffic, vibration and unexpected external loads beyond the safe design force... Read More about Thick film electronic ceramic sensors for civil structures health monitoring.

Design and modelling of a photovoltaic driven fan solar air heater for drying woodchip in Scotland (2011)
Clemente, A. Design and modelling of a photovoltaic driven fan solar air heater for drying woodchip in Scotland. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

In the wood fuel supply chain, the water contained in the product determines one aspect of the quality of the wood. It is necessary to reduce the moisture content (MC) of the wood in order to reduce transport and storing costs and also to increase th... Read More about Design and modelling of a photovoltaic driven fan solar air heater for drying woodchip in Scotland.

Cryptographic privacy-preserving enhancement method for investigative data acquisition (2011)
Kwecka, Z. Cryptographic privacy-preserving enhancement method for investigative data acquisition. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The current processes involved in the acquisition of investigative data from third parties, such as banks, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and employers, by the public authorities can breach the rights of the individuals under investigation. This i... Read More about Cryptographic privacy-preserving enhancement method for investigative data acquisition.

Ontology based knowledge formulation and an interpretation engine for intelligent devices in pervasive environments (2011)
Kosek, A. Ontology based knowledge formulation and an interpretation engine for intelligent devices in pervasive environments. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Ongoing device miniaturization makes it possible to manufacture very small devices; therefore more of them can be embedded in one space. Pervasive computing concepts, envisioning computers distributed in a space and hidden from users' sight, presente... Read More about Ontology based knowledge formulation and an interpretation engine for intelligent devices in pervasive environments.

Regulatory compliance in Scotland's tattooing and cosmetic body piercing industry: A concurrent mixed methods study (2011)
Chalmers, C. Regulatory compliance in Scotland's tattooing and cosmetic body piercing industry: A concurrent mixed methods study. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The objective of any regulation is to realise the goal(s) that justified its intervention. One means of demonstrating this is to determine the extent of regulatory compliance. This study intended to determine the extent of regulatory compliance with... Read More about Regulatory compliance in Scotland's tattooing and cosmetic body piercing industry: A concurrent mixed methods study.

The Development of a Holistic and Quantitative Tool for the Assessment and Improvement of Survey Quality. (2011)
Chen, T. The Development of a Holistic and Quantitative Tool for the Assessment and Improvement of Survey Quality. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

There are a variety of guidelines and methods available to measure and assess survey quality. Most of these are based on qualitative descriptions. In practice, they are not easy to implement and it is very difficult to make comparisons between survey... Read More about The Development of a Holistic and Quantitative Tool for the Assessment and Improvement of Survey Quality..

Festival Images: brand image and stakeholders' brand relationship types at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe (2011)
Todd, L. A. Festival Images: brand image and stakeholders' brand relationship types at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe (The Fringe) is the largest arts festival in the world and it has inspired the creation of similar festivals world-wide. Since its conception in 1947, the Fringe has demonstrated significant growth in visitor numbers; ti... Read More about Festival Images: brand image and stakeholders' brand relationship types at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

Optimal treatment of patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome and the evolutionary role of nurses and allied health professionals (2011)
McLean, S. Optimal treatment of patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome and the evolutionary role of nurses and allied health professionals. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Heart disease is a serious problem for both the individual and society at large. It takes many lives. As an acute cardiac nurse I have spent the bulk of my clinical and research career striving to provide acute cardiac care outwith the historical bou... Read More about Optimal treatment of patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome and the evolutionary role of nurses and allied health professionals.

Wild networks: the articulation of feedback and evaluation in a creative inter-disciplinary design studio (2011)
Joel, S. Wild networks: the articulation of feedback and evaluation in a creative inter-disciplinary design studio. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

It is argued that design exists within a collective social network of negotiation, feedback sharing and reflection that is integral to the design process. To encourage this, requires a technological solution that enables designers to access, be aware... Read More about Wild networks: the articulation of feedback and evaluation in a creative inter-disciplinary design studio.

Modelling the energy resource for buildings and the use of appropriate low carbon technologies (2011)
Girard, A. Modelling the energy resource for buildings and the use of appropriate low carbon technologies. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This thesis investigates the feasibility of the use of Low or Zero Carbon Energy Sources (LZCES) in the built environment and the development of an innovative Integrated Renewable Energy Planner (IREP) tool. It can be divided into four main research... Read More about Modelling the energy resource for buildings and the use of appropriate low carbon technologies.

Family business networks: mulit-rational perspectives on networking in family owned and managed small and micro-businesses (2011)
Seaman, C. E. A. Family business networks: mulit-rational perspectives on networking in family owned and managed small and micro-businesses. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This portfolio considers the manner in which family businesses network. Networks are vital for small and micro-businesses but within current research mono-rationalist approaches, where the business is studied in relative isolation from the social com... Read More about Family business networks: mulit-rational perspectives on networking in family owned and managed small and micro-businesses.

Efficient routing and communication algorithms for wireless mesh networks (2011)
Zhao, L. Efficient routing and communication algorithms for wireless mesh networks. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

There has been an increasing demand to create wireless technologies that allow people to connect their home networks together as well as to the Internet through wireless community networks (WCNs). Although several network architectu... Read More about Efficient routing and communication algorithms for wireless mesh networks.

A conceptual expansion of critical human resource development: insights into practice in a healthcare organisation (2011)
Ramdhony, A. A conceptual expansion of critical human resource development: insights into practice in a healthcare organisation. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This study was stimulated by the recent emergence of Critical HRD (CHRD) and its resonance with the transformational role that the HRD function is called to play within the changing context of a local healthcare organisation, referred to here as Heal... Read More about A conceptual expansion of critical human resource development: insights into practice in a healthcare organisation.

The impacts of tree density on the physical and biological characteristics of planted Mangrove stands in Sri Lanka (2011)
Marappullige, P. K. The impacts of tree density on the physical and biological characteristics of planted Mangrove stands in Sri Lanka. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Survival, growth, aboveground biomass production, belowground biomass production, sediment accretion, soil surface elevation dynamics, sediment carbon and C/N ratio, sediment N and P, sediment 13C and 15N, sediment texture and macrofauna community st... Read More about The impacts of tree density on the physical and biological characteristics of planted Mangrove stands in Sri Lanka.