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All Outputs (9)

The experience of caring of carers of cardiac surgery patients after hospital discharge (2011)
Chiu, W. H. The experience of caring of carers of cardiac surgery patients after hospital discharge. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Advances in medical technology have led to increasing numbers of people undergoing heart surgery with decreasing hospital stay and decreasing mortality (Leske & Pelczynski, 1999). With patients being discharged home quicker and sicker than in the pas... Read More about The experience of caring of carers of cardiac surgery patients after hospital discharge.

Tony Blair's television political interviews in the aftermath of the Iraq war (2011)
Ferguson, A. J. D. Tony Blair's television political interviews in the aftermath of the Iraq war. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This thesis studies the political television interview with a particular focus on three interviews undertaken by Tony Blair. The answers the Prime Minister gave about the invasion of Iraq in 2003 have been scrutinised in detail. The purpose of this p... Read More about Tony Blair's television political interviews in the aftermath of the Iraq war.

Complete genome sequence analysis of Rhodococcus equi Phage E3 and Insight into R. equi Phage Diversity. (2011)
Salifu, S. P. Complete genome sequence analysis of Rhodococcus equi Phage E3 and Insight into R. equi Phage Diversity. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Rhodococcus equi (R. equi) is a Gram positive, facultative and weakly acid-fast bacterium, which causes respiratory disease in foals worldwide resulting in pneumonia, often with fatal consequences. Human infections of R. equi that are resistant to an... Read More about Complete genome sequence analysis of Rhodococcus equi Phage E3 and Insight into R. equi Phage Diversity..

The digestion of chitin by callitrichids (2011)
Macdonald, C. The digestion of chitin by callitrichids. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Studies of wild callitrichids reveal limited data about their complex diets. As insectivorous primates it is likely that they can digest chitin. Using the common marmoset, Callithrix jacchus, as a model, this study assessed chitin digestibility and w... Read More about The digestion of chitin by callitrichids.

Characterisation of carbohydrate transport in the solventogenic organism Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 (2011)
Bird, E. J. Characterisation of carbohydrate transport in the solventogenic organism Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Fossil fuels are a finite resource, which are subject to erratic price fluctuations and are contributing to disruption of the global carbon cycle. There is a requirement to establish a renewable, sustainable and secure fuel source that can reduce wor... Read More about Characterisation of carbohydrate transport in the solventogenic organism Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824.

Physiological contributions to successful downhill mountain bike performance (2011)
Hadden, S. L. Physiological contributions to successful downhill mountain bike performance. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Purpose: To, one, investigate the anatomical and physiological attributes of Downhill mountain bike athletes and, two, to determine the influence of these inherent physiological attributes on Downhill race performance. Methods: The study consisted of... Read More about Physiological contributions to successful downhill mountain bike performance.

The impacts of tree density on the physical and biological characteristics of planted Mangrove stands in Sri Lanka (2011)
Marappullige, P. K. The impacts of tree density on the physical and biological characteristics of planted Mangrove stands in Sri Lanka. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Survival, growth, aboveground biomass production, belowground biomass production, sediment accretion, soil surface elevation dynamics, sediment carbon and C/N ratio, sediment N and P, sediment 13C and 15N, sediment texture and macrofauna community st... Read More about The impacts of tree density on the physical and biological characteristics of planted Mangrove stands in Sri Lanka.