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All Outputs (43)

Rethinking ‘traditional masculinity’ (2024)
Yusupova, M. (2024). Rethinking ‘traditional masculinity’. [Magazine]. London

Does the concept of ‘traditional masculinity’ risk marginalising migrant men and those living in ‘non-Western’ parts of the world?

Building Communities and Enhancing Belonging: A Route Map for Assessment Design (2023)
Haddow, C., & Brodie, J. (2023). Building Communities and Enhancing Belonging: A Route Map for Assessment Design. [Assessment guide]

A sense of belonging to a community in HE has been linked to positive outcomes for students such as increased engagement, identity development and retention (Masika & Jones, 2015; Soria & Stubblefield, 2015) and has emerged as a buffer to declining m... Read More about Building Communities and Enhancing Belonging: A Route Map for Assessment Design.

Press Release. EU Funded Project "Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics (RESIST)" Launches (2022)
Boulila, S., Browne, K., Chauvin, S., Filep, K., Blidon, M., Zarate, M., Akyuz, L., Titley, G., Carastathis, A., & Kulpa, R. (2022). Press Release. EU Funded Project "Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics (RESIST)" Launches. Dublin

Anti-gender politics pose a grave threat to modern democratic formations because they challenge people's everyday survival, bodily integrity, and self-determination. Anti-gender spans the political spectrum and manifests not only in illiberal and aut... Read More about Press Release. EU Funded Project "Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics (RESIST)" Launches.

MSc CEP Curriculum Framework (2022)
Jones, P. H., Green, . P. D., Whyte, P. G., Askew, A. P. C., Tolfrey, D. K., Scott, D. A., Campbell, P. A., George, P. K., Buckley, P. J., Skelton, P. D., Jack, P. S., McGregor, D. G., O’Doherty, D. A., Broom, P. D., Caldow, D. E., Pitkethly, A., Miller, D. G., Board, D. L., Williams, P. N., Naylor, D. L., …Crozier, A. (2022). MSc CEP Curriculum Framework. [Curriculum Framework]

The Academy of Healthcare Science (AHCS) approve education programmes to ensure that they allow students to meet Standards of Proficiency and principles of Good Clinical Practice when they satisfactorily complete the programme. Standards of Proficien... Read More about MSc CEP Curriculum Framework.

Close-up (2022)
Køhlert, F. B. (2022). Close-up. Cham, Switzerland

Evidence submission on 'Policing of drugs in Scotland' to Criminal Justice Committee session on the criminal justice aspects of drugs (2021)
Aston, E. (2021). Evidence submission on 'Policing of drugs in Scotland' to Criminal Justice Committee session on the criminal justice aspects of drugs

In this brief submission I will focus mainly on evidence pertinent to the policing and drugs in Scotland but I will also endeavour to begin address some of the key topics which I understand may be discussed at the roundtable. Much of the content belo... Read More about Evidence submission on 'Policing of drugs in Scotland' to Criminal Justice Committee session on the criminal justice aspects of drugs.

Why do you do what you do to me? How the pandemic is changing the focus from 'what' we teach and assess to 'how' (2021)
Garden, C. (2021). Why do you do what you do to me? How the pandemic is changing the focus from 'what' we teach and assess to 'how'.

Claire reflects on the past year and shares her thoughts on how the focus of teaching and assessment has changed, and how it might develop for the good going forward.

The impact of COVID-19 on BAME populations: a systematic review of experiences and perspectives (2021)
Toni, W., Keval, H., Claire, K., Gowri, N., Chise, O., Rajeeb, S., & Raymond, S. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on BAME populations: a systematic review of experiences and perspectives

Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME) populations have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19, having amongst the highest rates of infection and mortality. Additional risk factors for BAME populations include older age and living with poverty an... Read More about The impact of COVID-19 on BAME populations: a systematic review of experiences and perspectives.

Investigating New Types of Engagement, Response And Contact Technology in Policing (2021)
Aston, E. (2021). Investigating New Types of Engagement, Response And Contact Technology in Policing

A major new research project will examine how police-public engagement is being changed by the use of new technologies.

Public URL: Read More about Investigating New Types of Engagement, Response And Contact Technology in Policing.

Scottish Government appoints Dr Liz Aston to chair new IAG on policing (2020)
Aitken, R., & Aston, E. (2020). Scottish Government appoints Dr Liz Aston to chair new IAG on policing

The Justice Secretary, Hamza Yousef, has invited Dr Liz Aston, Associate Professor of Criminology at Edinburgh Napier, to chair a new Independent Advisory Group on New and Emerging Technologies in Policing.

URL: Read More about Scottish Government appoints Dr Liz Aston to chair new IAG on policing.