Der deutsche Wald im nationalsozialistischen Kulturfilm
Book Chapter
Stutterheim, K. (2008). Der deutsche Wald im nationalsozialistischen Kulturfilm. In U. Jung-Kaiser (Ed.), Der Wald als romantischer Topos (237-254). Peter Lang
All Outputs (63)
A survey of MAC protocols for mobile ad hoc networks (2008)
Book Chapter
Papanastasiou, S., Ould-Khaoua, M., & Charissis, V. (2008). A survey of MAC protocols for mobile ad hoc networks. In G. Ming, Y. Pan, & P. Fan (Eds.), Advances in Wireless Networks: Performance Modelling, Analysis and Enhancement. Nova Science PublishersBook abstract: This book is dedicated to review important developments and results, explore recent state-of-the-art research and discuss new strategies for performance modelling, analysis and enhancement of wireless networks.
An evaluation of prototype VR medical training environment: applied surgical anatomy training for malignant breast disease (2008)
Book Chapter
Ward, B. M., Charissis, V., Rowley, D., Anderson, P., & Brady, L. (2008). An evaluation of prototype VR medical training environment: applied surgical anatomy training for malignant breast disease. In Ebook: Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 16 (500-505). IOS PressThis paper presents an enquiry into the suitability of Virtual Reality (VR) technology as the principal training method for applied surgical anatomy. In this work we present the development of a prototype VR medical training environment and the evalu... Read More about An evaluation of prototype VR medical training environment: applied surgical anatomy training for malignant breast disease.
The Potential of Complexity Theory in Understanding Urban Regeneration Processes (2008)
Book Chapter
Moobela, C., & Price, I. (2008). The Potential of Complexity Theory in Understanding Urban Regeneration Processes. In L. F. Dennard, K. Richardson, & G. Morçöl (Eds.), Complexity and Policy Analysis: Tools and Concepts for Designing Robust Policies in a Complex World. ISCE Publishing
Names Project: AIDS Memorial Quilt (2008)
Book Chapter
Kulpa, R. (2008). Names Project: AIDS Memorial Quilt. In J. C. Hawley (Ed.), LGBTQ America Today: An Encyclopaedia. Greenwood Press
Services Made in Germany — Markierung von Dienstleistungen mit dem Herkunftsland (2008)
Book Chapter
Ahlert, D., Michaelis, M., Backhaus, C., & Woisetschläger, D. (2008). Services Made in Germany — Markierung von Dienstleistungen mit dem Herkunftsland. In M. Bruhn, & B. Stauss (Eds.), Dienstleistungsmarken (101-119). Gabler.„Made in Germany“ - dieses Gütesiegel steht in den Köpfen der Verbraucher seit jeher für Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit. In der Automobilindustrie, bei Werkzeugmaschinen, der chemischen Industrie und vielen weiteren Branchen genießen deutsche Produkte... Read More about Services Made in Germany — Markierung von Dienstleistungen mit dem Herkunftsland.
Der Einfluss von Organisationsstruktur und Aufgabenkomplexität auf Teamperformance (2008)
Book Chapter
Evanschitzky, H., Backhaus, C., Woisetschläger, D., & Ahlert, D. (2008). Der Einfluss von Organisationsstruktur und Aufgabenkomplexität auf Teamperformance. In G. Schreyögg, & P. Conrad (Eds.), Gruppen und Teamorganisation (1-34). Gabler. kooperativen Unternehmensnetzwerken steht das Netzwerkmanagement vor der Herausforderung, dezentrale Managementverantwortung und zentralistischen Systemhintergrund miteinander zu kombinieren. Dabei stellt sich die Frage, welche Ausprägungen von Ko... Read More about Der Einfluss von Organisationsstruktur und Aufgabenkomplexität auf Teamperformance.
Business Strategy, Human Resource Management and Corporate Performance: Evidence from Small Firms in the UK and US (2008)
Book Chapter
Michie, J., & Sheehan, M. (2008). Business Strategy, Human Resource Management and Corporate Performance: Evidence from Small Firms in the UK and US. In C. van Beers, A. Kleinknecht, R. Ortt, & R. Verburg (Eds.), Determinants of Innovative Behaviour: A Firm’s Internal Practices and its External Environment. Palgrave MacmillanThere is a large and growing literature on the relationship between the use of human resource management practices on the one hand, and corporate performance on the other (see for example Appelbaum et al., 2000; Guest et al., 2000; Huselid and Becker... Read More about Business Strategy, Human Resource Management and Corporate Performance: Evidence from Small Firms in the UK and US.
Human resource management and corporate performance: Evidence from UK and US small firms (2008)
Book Chapter
Michie, J., & Sheehan, M. (2008). Human resource management and corporate performance: Evidence from UK and US small firms. In R. Barrett, & S. Mayson (Eds.), International Handbook of Entrepreneurship and HRM. Edward Elgar PublishingMichie, J., & Sheehan, M. (2008). Human resource management and corporate performance: Evidence from UK and US small firms. In R. Barrett, & S. Mayson (Eds.), International Handbook of Entrepreneurship and HRM. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Dire consequences? : the development of futuristic fiction as a genre for young readers (2008)
Book Chapter
Sambell, K. (2008). Dire consequences? : the development of futuristic fiction as a genre for young readers. In S. Hornby, & B. Glass (Eds.), Reader development in practice : bringing literature to readers (121-136). Facet PublishingNo abstract available.
Research for real - an intensive honours research project. (2008)
Book Chapter
Huxham, M. (2008). Research for real - an intensive honours research project. In Student Research Projects: Guidance on Practice in the Biosciences. Centre for Bioscience, Higher Education AcademyResearch for real - an intensive honours research project.
Accidental Effects of Sky - Douglas Henderson’s Music from Empty Holes and Other Works (2008)
Book Chapter
Milne, L. S. (2008). Accidental Effects of Sky - Douglas Henderson’s Music from Empty Holes and Other Works. In I. Beirer (Ed.), Douglas Henderson: playback. no rewind button. Kehrer VerlagCommissioned essay for book, Douglas Henderson's "playback. no rewind button," daadgalerie, Berlin, 2008.
The Nature and Role of Visitor Attractions (2008)
Book Chapter
Leask, A. (2008). The Nature and Role of Visitor Attractions. In A. Fyall, B. Garrod, A. Leask, & S. Wanhill (Eds.), Managing Visitor Attractions (3-15). (2). Elsevier. nature and role of visitor attractions.
Ovulation and Ovarian Cancer (2008)
Book Chapter
Hillier, S. G., Rae, M. T., & Gubbay, O. (2008). Ovulation and Ovarian Cancer. In Hormonal Carcinogenesis V; (171-178). Springer. cancer (OC) most frequently arises from the ovarian surface epithelium (OSE), which comprises a single layer of mesothelial, squamous-to-cuboidal cells covering the entire surface of the ovary (1). This dynamic cellular layer and underlying b... Read More about Ovulation and Ovarian Cancer.
Bringing theory into practice: locating staff research in the undergraduate classroom. (2008)
Book Chapter
Atton, C. (2008). Bringing theory into practice: locating staff research in the undergraduate classroom. In Linking disciplinary research with teaching at Napier University: case studies of practice (11-16). Napier University
A remote marriage: The theory and practice of being apart and staying together. (2008)
Book Chapter
Wigan, M. (2008). A remote marriage: The theory and practice of being apart and staying together. In S. Holland (Ed.), Remote relationships in a small world (277-284). Peter LandSmall children, a time consuming job, and remote living are not conducive to a happy life. Why does one choose to do it? If one has to, how can one arrange one's life to make a family work? What can communications do to help? It is easy to ask the qu... Read More about A remote marriage: The theory and practice of being apart and staying together..
Governance and evidence based policy under a National Security framework. (2008)
Book Chapter
Wigan, M. (2008). Governance and evidence based policy under a National Security framework. In K. Michael, & M. Michael (Eds.), Australia and the new technologies: Evidence based policy on public administration. [Proceedings of the] Third RSNA Workshop on the Social Implications of National Security: Evidence based policy on public administration 23-24 July 2008 Canberra (49-58). Australian Homeland Security Research CentreThis paper addresses the conflicts of the inherent strains between evidence based policy and contestable evidence based policy under the strictures of a National Security
framework. The shifts in attitudes as to what is acceptable in the applicatio... Read More about Governance and evidence based policy under a National Security framework..
Record keeping. (2008)
Book Chapter
Waugh, A. (2008). Record keeping. In E. Mason-Whitehead, A. E. McIntosh, A. Bryan, & T. Mason (Eds.), Key Concepts in Nursing. SAGE Publications
Making research relevant [for management accounting students]. (2008)
Book Chapter
Steven, G. (2008). Making research relevant [for management accounting students]. In Research-Teaching Linkages: enhancing graduate attributes (24-25). The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
Movements of goods, services and people: entanglements with sustainability implications. (2008)
Book Chapter
Southworth, F., & Wigan, M. (2008). Movements of goods, services and people: entanglements with sustainability implications. In V. Himanen, M. Lee-Gosselin, & A. Perrels (Eds.), Building blocks for sustainable transport: obstacles, trends, solutions (157-173). Emerald Press