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Entrepreneurship Education, Pedagogy and Delivery (2020)
Book Chapter
Ismail, A. B., & Sawang, S. (2020). Entrepreneurship Education, Pedagogy and Delivery. In S. Sawang (Ed.), Entrepreneurship Education (1-10). Springer.

This chapter presents an overview of this book. The chapter explains the background of entrepreneurship education and relevant pedagogical concepts. Entrepreneurship education instead of seen as one of the way to job creation, it also could help to d... Read More about Entrepreneurship Education, Pedagogy and Delivery.

Born vs. Educated Entrepreneurs: Who Are Richer and Happier? (2019)
Book Chapter
Sawang, S., & Kivits, R. A. (2019). Born vs. Educated Entrepreneurs: Who Are Richer and Happier?. In Women Entrepreneurs and Strategic Decision Making in the Global Economy (258-276). IGI Global.

Setting itself apart from previous research, which focuses on either entrepreneurship-prone personality traits or education and uses the remaining as a control, the current chapter tests the main effect as well as the interaction among e-traits, educ... Read More about Born vs. Educated Entrepreneurs: Who Are Richer and Happier?.

Do SMEs cluster around innovation activities? Discovering active, incremental and opportunistic innovators (2017)
Book Chapter
Casali, G. L., Zolin, R., & Sawang, S. (2017). Do SMEs cluster around innovation activities? Discovering active, incremental and opportunistic innovators. In J. Tidd (Ed.), Promoting Innovation in New Ventures and Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (419-444). World Scientific Publishing.

Do SMEs cluster around different types of innovation activities? Are there patterns of SME innovation activities? To investigate we develop a taxonomy of innovation activities in SMEs using a qualitative study, followed by a survey. First, based upon... Read More about Do SMEs cluster around innovation activities? Discovering active, incremental and opportunistic innovators.

Innovation in the Australian Spatial Information Industry (2014)
Book Chapter
Sawang, S., Zolin, R., Matthews, J., & Bezemer, M. (2014). Innovation in the Australian Spatial Information Industry. In U. Stettner, B. S. Aharonson, & T. L. Amburgey (Eds.), Exploration and Exploitation in Early Stage Ventures and SMEs (211-236). Emerald.

Business literature reveals the importance of generating innovative products and services, but much of the innovation research has been conducted in large firms and not replicated in small firms. These firms are likely to have different perspectives... Read More about Innovation in the Australian Spatial Information Industry.

What Makes e-Learning Work? (2014)
Book Chapter
Jamieson, K., Sawang, S., & Newton, C. (2014). What Makes e-Learning Work?. In T. Short, & R. Harris (Eds.), Workforce Development (171-184). Springer.

This chapter examines lessons learnt from a study of the use of e-learning within the rail sector in Australia and explores factors that inhibit or advance its organisational effectiveness. We examine the social, organisational and technical influenc... Read More about What Makes e-Learning Work?.

Negotiation theory and application in the business environment (2011)
Book Chapter
Sawang, S., Brown, K., Waterhouse, J., & Keast, R. (2011). Negotiation theory and application in the business environment. In R. Keast, K. Brown, & J. Waterhouse (Eds.), Negotiating the Business Environment: Theory, Practice for all Governance Styles (34-54). Tilde University Press

This chapter introduces different theoretical approaches to negotiation and provides an explanation of these differing frameworks. While the action of a negotiation centres on the background research undertaken and what happens at the negotiation tab... Read More about Negotiation theory and application in the business environment.

Engagement with information and communication technology and psychological well-being (2010)
Book Chapter
O’Driscoll, M. P., Brough, P., Timms, C., & Sawang, S. (2010). Engagement with information and communication technology and psychological well-being. In New Developments in Theoretical and Conceptual Approaches to Job Stress (269-316). Emerald.

The impact of technology on the health and well-being of workers has been a topic of interest since computers and computerized technology were widely introduced in the 1980s. Of recent concern is the impact of rapid technological advances on individu... Read More about Engagement with information and communication technology and psychological well-being.