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All Outputs (6)

Let's Meander Through a Measured Space (2009)
Book Chapter
Kerridge, J. (2009). Let's Meander Through a Measured Space. In Exploration of Space, Technology, and Spatiality: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (17-25). IGI Global.

This chapter concerns the question of how people navigate through a space in which other people are also present. Issues addressed include how the space itself affects the way people navigate, how this is changed by the presence of others in the spac... Read More about Let's Meander Through a Measured Space.

Laying the foundations: the use of video footage to explore pedestrian dynamics in PEDFLOW (2002)
Book Chapter
Willis, A., Kukla, R., Kerridge, J., & Hine, J. (2002). Laying the foundations: the use of video footage to explore pedestrian dynamics in PEDFLOW. In M. Schreckenberg, & S. Sharma (Eds.), Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics (181-186). Springer

This paper is concerned with how video footage of pedestrian activity in various urban environments can be used to inform the development of PEDFLOW - a microscopic, agent-based model of pedestrian flow that can be used to simulate the effects of an... Read More about Laying the foundations: the use of video footage to explore pedestrian dynamics in PEDFLOW.

IDIOMS: a multitransputer database machine (1995)
Book Chapter
Kerridge, J. (1995). IDIOMS: a multitransputer database machine. In Emerging trends in database and knowledge-base machines (9-23). IEEE Computer Society Press