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Developing a Pedagogy for Interactive Learning. (2012)
Book Chapter
Cowan, J. (2012). Developing a Pedagogy for Interactive Learning. In J. Jia (Ed.), Educational Stages and Interactive Learning (1-17). IGI Global.

Recent developments in higher education have seen the demise of much didactic, teacher-directed instruction which was aimed mainly towards lower-level educational objectives. This traditional educational approach has been largely replaced by methods... Read More about Developing a Pedagogy for Interactive Learning..

Freedom to learn: a radically revised pedagogy to facilitate lifewide learning in the academic curriculum. (2011)
Book Chapter
Cowan, J. (2011). Freedom to learn: a radically revised pedagogy to facilitate lifewide learning in the academic curriculum. In N. J. Jackson (Ed.), Learning for a Complex World (122-136). Authorhouse™

Higher education has progressed fairly steadily to a common pedagogical approach which centres on the idea of alignment. In this arrangement, intended learning outcomes are identified and declared; learning activities which will enable the desired le... Read More about Freedom to learn: a radically revised pedagogy to facilitate lifewide learning in the academic curriculum..

Breaking the Rules: writing reflectively for yourself. (2009)
Book Chapter
Cowan, J. (2009). Breaking the Rules: writing reflectively for yourself. In N. L. Mertens (Ed.), Writing, Processes, Tools and Techniques (109-113). Nova Science Publishers

The rules which epitomise good writing may on occasions be broken, deliberately and with what the writers judge to be good purpose. This can well occur when students or staff set out to engage effectively with their personal and professional developm... Read More about Breaking the Rules: writing reflectively for yourself..

Dealing with affective needs in e-learning: Contrasting two cases in two cultures. (2009)
Book Chapter
Chiu, Y.-C. J., & Cowan, J. (2009). Dealing with affective needs in e-learning: Contrasting two cases in two cultures. In B. Olaniran (Ed.), Cases on Successful E-Learning Practices in the Developed and Developing World: Methods for the Global Information Economy (42-57). Hershey.

This chapter presents and contrasts descriptions of two cases of online affective support provided to support students engaged in higher level learning tasks. The cases are set in different cultures, centre upon different intended learning outcomes,... Read More about Dealing with affective needs in e-learning: Contrasting two cases in two cultures..

Quality Assurance in European Engineering Education: Present and Future Challenges (2009)
Book Chapter
Cowan, J. (2009). Quality Assurance in European Engineering Education: Present and Future Challenges. In A. Patil, & P. Gray (Eds.), Engineering Education Quality Assurance (29-40). Springer US.

This chapter focuses on the quality assurance (QA) of higher engineering education in the United
Kingdom and Europe, by considering eight challenges which are predicted by the writer to be of increasing
importance in the years ahead. QA in higher e... Read More about Quality Assurance in European Engineering Education: Present and Future Challenges.