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All Outputs (24)

Exploring the role of the clinical decision support system in delivering multimodal interventions for delirium care in ICU adults: a scoping review protocol (2024)
Kandel, D., Al Bayrakdar, A., Jiwaji, Z., & Breen, C. (2024). Exploring the role of the clinical decision support system in delivering multimodal interventions for delirium care in ICU adults: a scoping review protocol

Delirium is a frequently reported significant complication in acute and critically ill patients. Multimodal interventions can potentially decrease delirium incidence and severity by reducing predisposing factors. Previous research has documented the... Read More about Exploring the role of the clinical decision support system in delivering multimodal interventions for delirium care in ICU adults: a scoping review protocol.

What is the current use, classification and role of robotics in occupational therapy research, practice and education? A protocol for a scoping review (2024)
Ryan, C., Porter-Armstrong, A., Maclean, F., & Abady, G. (2024). What is the current use, classification and role of robotics in occupational therapy research, practice and education? A protocol for a scoping review. Open Science Framework

Purpose: This scoping review aims to comprehensively identify, map and synthesise the current evidence on the use of robotics in occupational therapy research, practice, and education. The review will scope the current literature and focus upon the u... Read More about What is the current use, classification and role of robotics in occupational therapy research, practice and education? A protocol for a scoping review.

Design Ethics Thought Experiments (2024)
Buwert, P. Design Ethics Thought Experiments. [Printable PDF resource file]

Printable resource:
Participant pack of thought experiment worksheets for use in facilitated Design Ethics Training Workshop. This pdf file is designed for double sided printing on landscape A3 paper. Worksheets numbered 1-6 should be folded vertic... Read More about Design Ethics Thought Experiments.

Robotics use in the care and management of people living with Diabetes Mellitus in the community – a scoping review protocol (2024)
Al Bayrakdar, A., Wojcik, G., Dragone, M., McConnell, A., Charlton, J., & Paterson, R. (2024). Robotics use in the care and management of people living with Diabetes Mellitus in the community – a scoping review protocol

The aim of the review is to identify and map the range of available evidence on the types of robotic devices and their impact on people living with Diabetes Mellitus in the community. The outcome of this scoping review will inform the development and... Read More about Robotics use in the care and management of people living with Diabetes Mellitus in the community – a scoping review protocol.

Guide for Business Events Shaping Tomorrow (SDGs measurement and evaluation guide) (2024)
Robertson, M. (2024). Guide for Business Events Shaping Tomorrow (SDGs measurement and evaluation guide). [PDF]

This guide is for Business Event client (UK or International) hosting conference, convention or other large business-related event in Edinburgh. It is a guide for application of the measurement matrix created by Dr Martin Robertson in 2022 as part of... Read More about Guide for Business Events Shaping Tomorrow (SDGs measurement and evaluation guide).