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Professional and Public Values in Health and Social Care (2024)
Book Chapter
Samuriwo, R. (2024). Professional and Public Values in Health and Social Care. In G. Smith, & A. Todd (Eds.), Future Faith: Public and Practical Theologies for the Contemporary World. Routledge.

Health and social care are laden with a plethora of professional and public values. However, few have sought to consider how these values are formed, surface and are enacted in health and social care. Fewer have consistently sought to elicit, underst... Read More about Professional and Public Values in Health and Social Care.

From Music Higher Education to the Festival Stage: Questioning the Neoliberal Environments of Scottish Jazz (2024)
Book Chapter
Raine, S., & Medbøe, H. (2024). From Music Higher Education to the Festival Stage: Questioning the Neoliberal Environments of Scottish Jazz. In R. Prokop, & R. Reitsamer (Eds.), Higher Music Education and Employability in a Neoliberal World. Bloomsbury Publishing

As evidenced from the festival stage and behind the scenes (Raine, 2020), the UK jazz scene continues to be male-dominated and middle-class (Umney and Kretsos, 2015; Umney, 2016). Drawing upon interviews and focus groups with jazz musicians, educator... Read More about From Music Higher Education to the Festival Stage: Questioning the Neoliberal Environments of Scottish Jazz.