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All Outputs (293)

Hvor En Var Baen: Places of Childhood (2024)
Book Chapter
Medboe, H. (2025). Hvor En Var Baen: Places of Childhood. In Jazz and Literature: An Introduction (103-110). Routledge.

This chapter explores musical responses to a selection of poems written by Martin Nikolaj Hansen in the first half of the twentieth century. His verse is steeped in the bucolic imagery of his surroundings on the small island of Als that lies off Denm... Read More about Hvor En Var Baen: Places of Childhood.

Communitarian Narratives in the Films of Nicolas Rojas Sánchez and Ángeles Cruz (2024)
Book Chapter
Jansen, I. (2024). Communitarian Narratives in the Films of Nicolas Rojas Sánchez and Ángeles Cruz. In E. Blackmore, K. Knopf, W. G. Pearson, & C. Wieser-Cox (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Film. Routledge.

This chapter discusses different films by Mixtec filmmakers Ángeles Cruz and Nicolas Rojas Sánchez. Both filmmakers have received several national and international awards for their work. The films by Ángeles Cruz as well as the films by Nicolas Roja... Read More about Communitarian Narratives in the Films of Nicolas Rojas Sánchez and Ángeles Cruz.

First Monday Revisited: Production and Dissemination of Diasporic Jazz in the Digital Age (2024)
Book Chapter
Medboe, H., & Dias, J. (2024). First Monday Revisited: Production and Dissemination of Diasporic Jazz in the Digital Age. In Á. Havas, B. Johnson, & D. Horn (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Diasporic Jazz Studies. Routledge.

The chapter is a reflection on the radical changes that characterize the music industry in the digital age. With reference to European jazz collectives and cooperative initiatives, the authors explore the various informal strategies jazz musicians de... Read More about First Monday Revisited: Production and Dissemination of Diasporic Jazz in the Digital Age.

Vivid Stories: Oral Histories, Collective Memory, and the Scottish Jazz Scene (2024)
Book Chapter
Medbøe, H., Maclean, D., & Raine, S. (2024). Vivid Stories: Oral Histories, Collective Memory, and the Scottish Jazz Scene. In Á. Havas, B. Johnson, & D. Horn (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Diasporic Jazz Studies. Routledge.

This chapter draws on the production and content of the Scottish Jazz Archive (SJA) oral histories collection alongside interviews with Scottish jazz musicians. Specifically, we consider how the Scottish jazz community is co-creating its own diaspori... Read More about Vivid Stories: Oral Histories, Collective Memory, and the Scottish Jazz Scene.

Media Law, Interviewing and News Writing: Skills Scottish Community Radio Needs to Expand Its News Coverage (2024)
Book Chapter
Kocic, A. (2024). Media Law, Interviewing and News Writing: Skills Scottish Community Radio Needs to Expand Its News Coverage. In J. Morrison, & S. Pedersen (Eds.), Silenced Voices and the Media: Who Gets to Speak? (47-61). Springer.

Could community radio, run in the UK on a not-for-profit basis by volunteers without journalistic training, help slow down the decline in local news provision? The majority of community stations in the country already offer news in some form. This us... Read More about Media Law, Interviewing and News Writing: Skills Scottish Community Radio Needs to Expand Its News Coverage.

The First World War in the 1920s (2024)
Book Chapter
Frayn, A. (in press). The First World War in the 1920s. In T. Bényei, S. Boskani, & N. Hubble (Eds.), The 1920s: A Decade of Modern British Fiction. Bloomsbury Publishing

A survey of First World War literature in the 1920s.

A Comparative Study on the Representation of Confucian family and Image of Father in Ang Lee’s Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and Hulk (2024)
Book Chapter
Li, Q. (2024). A Comparative Study on the Representation of Confucian family and Image of Father in Ang Lee’s Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and Hulk. In The Asian Family in Literature and Film (149-167). Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter conducts a case study on Ang Lee’s internationally acclaimed academy award winner Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and his Hollywood blockbuster Hulk, and investigates the ways that his transnational/global filmmaking intersects with Chin... Read More about A Comparative Study on the Representation of Confucian family and Image of Father in Ang Lee’s Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and Hulk.

From Music Higher Education to the Festival Stage: Questioning the Neoliberal Environments of Scottish Jazz (2024)
Book Chapter
Raine, S., & Medbøe, H. (2024). From Music Higher Education to the Festival Stage: Questioning the Neoliberal Environments of Scottish Jazz. In R. Prokop, & R. Reitsamer (Eds.), Higher Music Education and Employability in a Neoliberal World. Bloomsbury Publishing

As evidenced from the festival stage and behind the scenes (Raine, 2020), the UK jazz scene continues to be male-dominated and middle-class (Umney and Kretsos, 2015; Umney, 2016). Drawing upon interviews and focus groups with jazz musicians, educator... Read More about From Music Higher Education to the Festival Stage: Questioning the Neoliberal Environments of Scottish Jazz.

Franki Raffles: Photography, Activism, Campaign Works (2024)
Book Chapter
Scott, A. (2024). Franki Raffles: Photography, Activism, Campaign Works. In Franki Raffles: Photographs, Activism, Campaign Works [Exhibition programme] (6-11). Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art

Essay on the Franki Raffles Archive Research project in the publication to accompany the exhibition at the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art

'The Omnific Word': Hugh MacDiarmid's Religious Poetry (2024)
Book Chapter
Lyall, S. 'The Omnific Word': Hugh MacDiarmid's Religious Poetry. In Hugh MacDiarmid 1923-2023: Visions & Revisions. Brill Academic Publishers

Scottish poet Hugh MacDiarmid (C. M. Grieve) considered himself an atheist, but his poetry attends to religious and spiritual themes and concerns. This chapter sets MacDiarmid’s work in the context of New Modernist Studies’ approaches to literature a... Read More about 'The Omnific Word': Hugh MacDiarmid's Religious Poetry.

"Proved Dead . . . Proved Dead . . .”: Ellipsis, elision and expurgation in interwar First World War prose (2024)
Book Chapter
Frayn, A. "Proved Dead . . . Proved Dead . . .”: Ellipsis, elision and expurgation in interwar First World War prose. In A History of Punctuation in English Literature. Cambridge University Press

This chapter addresses the use of various forms of typographical ellipsis. In it I argue that ellipses represent failures of communication which are characteristic of early-twentieth-century writing, pointing to limit experiences which could be desc... Read More about "Proved Dead . . . Proved Dead . . .”: Ellipsis, elision and expurgation in interwar First World War prose.

‘To level those monstrous Blotches or Pustules’: Skincare in Daniel Turner’s De Morbis Cutaneis (1714). (2024)
Book Chapter
Aske, K. (2024). ‘To level those monstrous Blotches or Pustules’: Skincare in Daniel Turner’s De Morbis Cutaneis (1714). In A. Ingram, H. Williams, & C. Lawlor (Eds.), Myth and (Mis)information: Constructing the Medical Professions in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century English Literature and Culture (23–40). Manchester University Press

In 1711 Daniel Turner removed himself from the Barber-Surgeons Company and was admitted to licentiate by the Royal College of Physicians. Turner battled with his reputation as a surgeon and his new recognition as a physician, so with his first public... Read More about ‘To level those monstrous Blotches or Pustules’: Skincare in Daniel Turner’s De Morbis Cutaneis (1714)..

Design Ecologies Exercise: The Innovation Landscape Matrix (2024)
Book Chapter
Dewberry, E., Boehnert, J., & Sinclair, M. (2024). Design Ecologies Exercise: The Innovation Landscape Matrix. In R. B. Egenhoefer (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Design (618-623). (Second Edition). Routledge.

This chapter on sustainable design pedagogy shares the Innovation Landscape Matrix (ILM) as a tool for understanding design ecologies and making visible the systemic interactions that connect across multiple scales. Students use contextualizing quest... Read More about Design Ecologies Exercise: The Innovation Landscape Matrix.

Dead Men Walking (2024)
Book Chapter
Finley-Day, G., Bishop, D., Davis, A., Willsher, B., & Cook, B. (2024). Dead Men Walking. In Harry 20 on the High Rock + Dead Men Walking. Hachette

Issue 168: Harry 20 on the High Rock + Dead Men Walking

101: Black Flag (2023)
Book Chapter
Shemilt, E. (2023). 101: Black Flag. In INCITE: Digital Art and Activism (17-20). Peacock & The Worm

INCITE: Digital Art and Activism is a collaborative artists' book, featuring creative responses from artists, scholars and activists connected through the Digital Art and Activism Network, and edited by Joseph DeLappe (Abertay University) and Laura L... Read More about 101: Black Flag.

Hugh MacDiarmid and the Scottish Literary Revival (2023)
Book Chapter
Lyall, S. (2024). Hugh MacDiarmid and the Scottish Literary Revival. In G. Carruthers (Ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Scottish Literature (127-139). Wiley-Blackwell

The Scottish literary renaissance is a paradox. Imagining Scottish history as a series of catastrophes – Reformation, Union, Enlightenment, industrialisation – the renaissance sought rebirth in the nation's cultural past. Critics usually locate such... Read More about Hugh MacDiarmid and the Scottish Literary Revival.

Stalingrad (2023)
Book Chapter
Bishop, D. (2023). Stalingrad. In Fiends of the Eastern Front (48-95). Rebellion

A graphic fiction serial by David Bishop and Colin MacNeil, published in Fiends of the Eastern Front Volume 1.

Hip-hop in Scotland: a footnote in the history of popular music? (2023)
Book Chapter
Hook, D. (2023). Hip-hop in Scotland: a footnote in the history of popular music?. In S. Frith, M. Cloonan, & J. Williamson (Eds.), Made in Scotland: Studies in popular music. Routledge.

This chapter explores Scottish hip-hop’s contribution to Scotland’s musical, lyrical and cultural identity. Simultaneously global and local, hip-hop creates opportunities to witness the hybridisation of local culture with new global perspectives and... Read More about Hip-hop in Scotland: a footnote in the history of popular music?.