Case Study: Management of public irrigation systems in Morocco: Challenges and innovations for resilient agriculture
Book Chapter
Guemouria, A., Tanji, R., El-Harraki, W., Elhassnaoui, I., Chehbouni, A., Bouchaou, L., Pantsi, C., & Khaddour, L. (2024). Case Study: Management of public irrigation systems in Morocco: Challenges and innovations for resilient agriculture. In A. Silva Afonso, & J. Manuel Gonçalves (Eds.), Engineering, Water and Food Nexus (57-65). World Federation of Engineering Organizations
All Outputs (98)
EU Migrants in Wales: Still Welcome? (2024)
Book Chapter
Drinkwater, S., Guma, T., Goodwin-Hawkins, B., & Dafydd Jones, R. (in press). EU Migrants in Wales: Still Welcome?. In C. Wyn Edwards, R. Dafydd Jones, & L. Shobiye (Eds.), A welcoming nation? Intersectional approaches to migration and diversity in Wales. University of Wales Press
Hvor En Var Baen: Places of Childhood (2024)
Book Chapter
Medboe, H. (2025). Hvor En Var Baen: Places of Childhood. In Jazz and Literature: An Introduction (103-110). Routledge. chapter explores musical responses to a selection of poems written by Martin Nikolaj Hansen in the first half of the twentieth century. His verse is steeped in the bucolic imagery of his surroundings on the small island of Als that lies off Denm... Read More about Hvor En Var Baen: Places of Childhood.
Professional and Public Values in Health and Social Care (2024)
Book Chapter
Samuriwo, R. (2024). Professional and Public Values in Health and Social Care. In G. Smith, & A. Todd (Eds.), Future Faith: Public and Practical Theologies for the Contemporary World. Routledge. and social care are laden with a plethora of professional and public values. However, few have sought to consider how these values are formed, surface and are enacted in health and social care. Fewer have consistently sought to elicit, underst... Read More about Professional and Public Values in Health and Social Care.
Advances in Multi‐modal Remote Infant Monitoring Systems (2024)
Book Chapter
Saher, N., Riaz, O., Suleman, M., Khan, D. M., Kirn, N., Jan, S. U., Shahid, R., Rabah, H., & Ramzan, N. (2025). Advances in Multi‐modal Remote Infant Monitoring Systems. In M. Ur Rehman, A. Zoha, M. Ali Jamshed, & N. Ramzan (Eds.), Multimodal Intelligent Sensing in Modern Applications (227-251). Wiley. chapter offers a thorough analysis of recent research on remote patient monitoring (RPM) from the perspective of modified sensing technologies using both contact-based and contact-less sensors. It examines the latest advancements in remote monit... Read More about Advances in Multi‐modal Remote Infant Monitoring Systems.
Becoming Rhizome: Deleuze and Guattari’s Rhizome as Theory and Method (2024)
Book Chapter
Drumm, L. (2024). Becoming Rhizome: Deleuze and Guattari’s Rhizome as Theory and Method. In Theory and Method in Higher Education Research: Volume 10 (37-55). Emerald. chapter explores Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizome as a multifaceted approach within educational research, suggesting it as an alternative way of mapping complexities, limiting structures and messiness which may not always be surfaced in more tradi... Read More about Becoming Rhizome: Deleuze and Guattari’s Rhizome as Theory and Method.
Advances in the use of hemp fibre in the construction/building industry (2024)
Book Chapter
Liu, C. H. J., D'Amico, B., & Pomponi, F. (in press). Advances in the use of hemp fibre in the construction/building industry. In Achieving sustainable cultivation of hemp. Burleigh Dodds Science PublishingThe embodied carbon of building materials is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Hemp is widely recognized as the most used vegetal insulation materials due to its comparable mechanical properties and much better environmental perf... Read More about Advances in the use of hemp fibre in the construction/building industry.
Globalisation, Education, Policy, and Curricula Issues: Education 4.0: Digital Disruption and Innovative Solutions as Pedagogical Drivers in Higher Education (2024)
Book Chapter
Koseda, E., Reeve, C., Fascia, M., McIntosh, B., & Cohen, I. (2024). Globalisation, Education, Policy, and Curricula Issues: Education 4.0: Digital Disruption and Innovative Solutions as Pedagogical Drivers in Higher Education. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Fourth International Handbook of Globalisation, Education and Policy Research (541-584). Springer. handbook provides a global synthesis of on-going research in education and policy change during the last decade. It examines discourses of globalisation from the perspectives of the global North and global South. Major theories of globalisation... Read More about Globalisation, Education, Policy, and Curricula Issues: Education 4.0: Digital Disruption and Innovative Solutions as Pedagogical Drivers in Higher Education.
Academic Staff AI Literacy Development Through LLM Prompt Training (2024)
Book Chapter
Drumm, L., & Sami, A. (2024). Academic Staff AI Literacy Development Through LLM Prompt Training. In X. O’Dea, & D. Tsz Kit Ng (Eds.), Effective Practices in AI Literacy Education: Case Studies and Reflections (41-49). Emerald. foundation in artificial intelligence (AI) literacy among all academic staff is essential for supporting students’ AI literacy effectively. As tools like ChatGPT increasingly influence academic work, educators need to understand prompt engineering... Read More about Academic Staff AI Literacy Development Through LLM Prompt Training.
Communitarian Narratives in the Films of Nicolas Rojas Sánchez and Ángeles Cruz (2024)
Book Chapter
Jansen, I. (2024). Communitarian Narratives in the Films of Nicolas Rojas Sánchez and Ángeles Cruz. In E. Blackmore, K. Knopf, W. G. Pearson, & C. Wieser-Cox (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Film. Routledge. chapter discusses different films by Mixtec filmmakers Ángeles Cruz and Nicolas Rojas Sánchez. Both filmmakers have received several national and international awards for their work. The films by Ángeles Cruz as well as the films by Nicolas Roja... Read More about Communitarian Narratives in the Films of Nicolas Rojas Sánchez and Ángeles Cruz.
Reframing discourses of healthcare “helping” in volunteer tourism: Critical interculturality, liberation theology, and Latin America (2024)
Book Chapter
Stanley, P. (2024). Reframing discourses of healthcare “helping” in volunteer tourism: Critical interculturality, liberation theology, and Latin America. In F. Dervin (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Critical Interculturality in Communication and Education. Routledge. chapter discusses critical interculturality as the socio-historical context against which individuals’ intercultural communications and developing intercultural competence may be understood. The individuals are short-term sojourners, primarily y... Read More about Reframing discourses of healthcare “helping” in volunteer tourism: Critical interculturality, liberation theology, and Latin America.
Women entrepreneurs: From potential to intention. The role of motivations and culture in emerging economies (2024)
Book Chapter
Osowska, R., & Kapasi, I. (2024). Women entrepreneurs: From potential to intention. The role of motivations and culture in emerging economies. In H. Neergaard, M. Guerrero, & B. Kenny (Eds.), De Gruyter Handbook of Women Entrepreneurs in Emerging Economies (369-392). De Gruyter. motivations are theorised as informing entrepreneurial behaviours and their scope and direction. Although the literature has identified agency-focused cognitive process, little is still known about women’s entrepreneurial motivations... Read More about Women entrepreneurs: From potential to intention. The role of motivations and culture in emerging economies.
First Monday Revisited: Production and Dissemination of Diasporic Jazz in the Digital Age (2024)
Book Chapter
Medboe, H., & Dias, J. (2024). First Monday Revisited: Production and Dissemination of Diasporic Jazz in the Digital Age. In Á. Havas, B. Johnson, & D. Horn (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Diasporic Jazz Studies. Routledge. chapter is a reflection on the radical changes that characterize the music industry in the digital age. With reference to European jazz collectives and cooperative initiatives, the authors explore the various informal strategies jazz musicians de... Read More about First Monday Revisited: Production and Dissemination of Diasporic Jazz in the Digital Age.
Vivid Stories: Oral Histories, Collective Memory, and the Scottish Jazz Scene (2024)
Book Chapter
Medbøe, H., Maclean, D., & Raine, S. (2024). Vivid Stories: Oral Histories, Collective Memory, and the Scottish Jazz Scene. In Á. Havas, B. Johnson, & D. Horn (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Diasporic Jazz Studies. Routledge. chapter draws on the production and content of the Scottish Jazz Archive (SJA) oral histories collection alongside interviews with Scottish jazz musicians. Specifically, we consider how the Scottish jazz community is co-creating its own diaspori... Read More about Vivid Stories: Oral Histories, Collective Memory, and the Scottish Jazz Scene.
Merging Fact & Fiction in War Comics: Diversity, Identity and Social Injustice (2024)
Book Chapter
Donald, I., Austin, H., & Pittner, F. Merging Fact & Fiction in War Comics: Diversity, Identity and Social Injustice. In S. Connor, & H. E. Earle (Eds.), Battle Lines Drawn: War Comics since 1914This abstract discusses how war comics portray the historical record through a theoretical and conceptual textual model - the 3A Framework (3AF) which considers the representation of historical accuracy, authenticity and account (Donald & Reid, 2023)... Read More about Merging Fact & Fiction in War Comics: Diversity, Identity and Social Injustice.
Integrating AI Literacy into Higher Education: A Practical Framework (2024)
Book Chapter
Kurtzke, S. (2024). Integrating AI Literacy into Higher Education: A Practical Framework. In H. Crompton, & D. Burke (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence Applications in Higher Education: Theories, Ethics, and Case Studies for Universities. Routledge. chapter presents a comprehensive framework for integrating artificial intelligence (AI) literacy into higher education (HE), based on a case study at a UK higher education institution. Recognising the increasing influence of AI in society and th... Read More about Integrating AI Literacy into Higher Education: A Practical Framework.
Hybrid Servicescapes in Tourism and Hospitality (2024)
Book Chapter
Urquhart, E. (2024). Hybrid Servicescapes in Tourism and Hospitality. In N. Stylos, R. Rahimi, & P. Robinson (Eds.), Contemporary Marketing Management for Tourism and Hospitality (99-132). Palgrave Macmillan. (1992, p. 65) defined the servicescape as “all of the objective physical factors that can be controlled by the firm to enhance (or constrain) employee and customer actions.” These include a series of environmental dimensions, namely ambient co... Read More about Hybrid Servicescapes in Tourism and Hospitality.
Future trajectories for automated tourism and hospitality services (2024)
Book Chapter
Urquhart, E. (2024). Future trajectories for automated tourism and hospitality services. In S. Ivanov, & C. Webster (Eds.), Future Tourism in a Robonomic World. Channel View
Policies and technological landscapes in sustainable design (2024)
Book Chapter
Sajjadian, S. M. (2024). Policies and technological landscapes in sustainable design. In D. Clements-Croome (Ed.), Intelligent Buildings and Infrastructure with Sustainable and Social Values (205-214). (Third edition). Emerald
Media Law, Interviewing and News Writing: Skills Scottish Community Radio Needs to Expand Its News Coverage (2024)
Book Chapter
Kocic, A. (2024). Media Law, Interviewing and News Writing: Skills Scottish Community Radio Needs to Expand Its News Coverage. In J. Morrison, & S. Pedersen (Eds.), Silenced Voices and the Media: Who Gets to Speak? (47-61). Springer. community radio, run in the UK on a not-for-profit basis by volunteers without journalistic training, help slow down the decline in local news provision? The majority of community stations in the country already offer news in some form. This us... Read More about Media Law, Interviewing and News Writing: Skills Scottish Community Radio Needs to Expand Its News Coverage.