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All Outputs (5)

Green IT and BYOD: Driving Sustainability, Job Performance, and Well-being in Remote Work (2024)
Journal Article
Doargajudhur, M., Huzooree, A., Hosanoo, Z., Lichy, J., & Dell, P. (online). Green IT and BYOD: Driving Sustainability, Job Performance, and Well-being in Remote Work. International Journal of Organizational Analysis,

Purpose: This study explores the impact of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) practices on teleworkers' job performance, work-life conflict, and their implications for environmental sustainability, with a particular focus on Green IT in the post-pandemic r... Read More about Green IT and BYOD: Driving Sustainability, Job Performance, and Well-being in Remote Work.

Focal firms and interorganisational relationships in small economies: Towards a multi-level theoretical framework for enhancing value co-creation and performance (2024)
Journal Article
Hosanoo, Z., Patel, P., Prikshat, V., Kanungo, R. P., & Gupta, S. (2024). Focal firms and interorganisational relationships in small economies: Towards a multi-level theoretical framework for enhancing value co-creation and performance. Journal of International Management, 30(3), Article 101135.

Underpinning Resource-Based View (RBV) and Relational View (RV) as theoretical premises, we examine the influence of the macro and micro-level factors on inter-organisational relationship/ alliances dynamics and competitive advantage of Focal Firms (... Read More about Focal firms and interorganisational relationships in small economies: Towards a multi-level theoretical framework for enhancing value co-creation and performance.

Financial independence of women – the impact of social factors on women empowerment in small island developing states (SIDS) (2022)
Journal Article
Rughoobur-Seetah, S., Hosanoo, Z., & Balla Soupramanien, L. D. (2023). Financial independence of women – the impact of social factors on women empowerment in small island developing states (SIDS). International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 31(6), 2383-2408.

This study aims to understand and analyse the financial independence of women in small island developing states, with a focus on Mauritius. Factors such as employer choice, domestic violence, sociological factors, lack of opportunities and e... Read More about Financial independence of women – the impact of social factors on women empowerment in small island developing states (SIDS).

The mobile technological era: insights into the consequences of constant connectivity of personal devices by knowledge workers (2022)
Journal Article
Doargajudhur, M., & Hosanoo, Z. (2023). The mobile technological era: insights into the consequences of constant connectivity of personal devices by knowledge workers. Information Technology and People, 36(2), 701-733.

Purpose - As employees’ adoption of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) has increased, so has
research interest into the impact of BYOD on human resources outcomes. The present study aims
at understanding the relationship between BYOD and human... Read More about The mobile technological era: insights into the consequences of constant connectivity of personal devices by knowledge workers.

An evaluation of the impact of confinement on the quality of e-learning in higher education institutions (2021)
Journal Article
Rughoobur-Seetah, S., & Hosanoo, Z. A. (2021). An evaluation of the impact of confinement on the quality of e-learning in higher education institutions. Quality Assurance in Education, 29(4), 422-444.

Technology acceptance research in the L&T contexts has a necessity for enabling the significant inclusion of technology in educational settings (Scherer et al., 2019). Despite the propensity for information communication and technology to en... Read More about An evaluation of the impact of confinement on the quality of e-learning in higher education institutions.