The use of CO2 as an additive for ignition delay and pollutant control in CH4/air autoignition
Journal Article
Tingas, E. A., Im, H. G., Kyritsis, D. C., & Goussis, D. A. (2018). The use of CO2 as an additive for ignition delay and pollutant control in CH4/air autoignition. Fuel, 211, 898-905.
The effect of CO2 dilution on the adiabatic and isochoric autoignition of CH4/air mixtures is analyzed with Computational Singular Perturbation (CSP) algorithmic tools, with a particular emphasis on the determination of the features of the chemical d... Read More about The use of CO2 as an additive for ignition delay and pollutant control in CH4/air autoignition.