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Changes in ankle proprioception and neuromuscular function following an acute bout of British Army foot drill: Implications of lower-limb musculoskeletal injury risk (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Rawcliffe, A., Simpson, R., Graham, S., Psycharakis, S., Bansbach, H., & Connaboy, C. Changes in ankle proprioception and neuromuscular function following an acute bout of British Army foot drill: Implications of lower-limb musculoskeletal injury risk. Presented at 4th International Congress on Soldiers' Physical Performance, Melbourne, Australia

Introduction: The cyclic high impact loading forces and kinematics of British Army foot-drill suggest that foot-drill may contribute to the high incidence rates of lower-limb musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries reported in recruit populations. Transient a... Read More about Changes in ankle proprioception and neuromuscular function following an acute bout of British Army foot drill: Implications of lower-limb musculoskeletal injury risk.

Validation of a 6-s Cycle Ergometry Sprint to Measure Peak Power in Recreationally Active Females (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Graham, S. M., Grace, F., Sculthorpe, N., Baker, J., Connaboy, C., & Baird, M. F. Validation of a 6-s Cycle Ergometry Sprint to Measure Peak Power in Recreationally Active Females

The 30-s Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT30) is frequently used to determine peak anaerobic power (PP). When PP, which is generally achieved within the first 5-s is the primary measure of interest, there may be no advantage in completing a 30-s test. It... Read More about Validation of a 6-s Cycle Ergometry Sprint to Measure Peak Power in Recreationally Active Females.