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All Outputs (34)

A Deep Dive into Effects of Structural Bias on CMA-ES Performance along Affine Trajectories (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
van Stein, N., Thomson, S. L., & Kononova, A. V. (2024, September). A Deep Dive into Effects of Structural Bias on CMA-ES Performance along Affine Trajectories. Presented at Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN) 2024, Hagenberg, Austria

To guide the design of better iterative optimisation heuristics, it is imperative to understand how inherent structural biases within algorithm components affect the performance on a wide variety of search landscapes. This study explores the impact o... Read More about A Deep Dive into Effects of Structural Bias on CMA-ES Performance along Affine Trajectories.

Entropy, Search Trajectories, and Explainability for Frequency Fitness Assignment (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Thomson, S. L., Ochoa, G., van den Berg, D., Liang, T., & Weise, T. (2024, September). Entropy, Search Trajectories, and Explainability for Frequency Fitness Assignment. Presented at Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN 2024), Hagenberg, Austria

Local optima are a menace that can trap optimisation processes. Frequency fitness assignment (FFA) is an concept aiming to overcome this problem. It steers the search towards solutions with rare fitness instead of high-quality fitness. FFA-based algo... Read More about Entropy, Search Trajectories, and Explainability for Frequency Fitness Assignment.

Information flow and Laplacian dynamics on local optima networks (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Richter, H., & Thomson, S. L. (2024, June). Information flow and Laplacian dynamics on local optima networks. Presented at IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC), Yokohama, Japan

We propose a new way of looking at local optima networks (LONs). LONs represent fitness landscapes; the nodes are local optima, and the edges are search transitions between them. Many metrics computed on LONs have been proposed and shown to be linked... Read More about Information flow and Laplacian dynamics on local optima networks.

The Easiest Hard Problem: Now Even Easier (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Horn, R., Thomson, S. L., van den Berg, D., & Adriaans, P. (2024, July). The Easiest Hard Problem: Now Even Easier. Presented at ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2024, Melbourne, Australia

We present an exponential decay function that characterizes the number of solutions to instances of the Number Partitioning Problem (NPP) with uniform distribution of bits across the integers. This function is fitted on the number of optimal solution... Read More about The Easiest Hard Problem: Now Even Easier.

Exploring the use of fitness landscape analysis for understanding malware evolution (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Babaagba, K., Murali, R., & Thomson, S. L. (2024, July). Exploring the use of fitness landscape analysis for understanding malware evolution. Presented at ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2024, Melbourne, Australia

We conduct a preliminary study exploring the potential of using fitness landscape analysis for understanding the evolution of malware. This type of optimisation is fairly new and has not previously been studied through the lens of landscape analysis.... Read More about Exploring the use of fitness landscape analysis for understanding malware evolution.

Frequency Fitness Assignment: Optimization without Bias for Good Solution outperforms Randomized Local Search on the Quadratic Assignment Problem (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chen, J., Wu, Z., Thomson, S. L., & Weise, T. (2024, November). Frequency Fitness Assignment: Optimization without Bias for Good Solution outperforms Randomized Local Search on the Quadratic Assignment Problem. Paper presented at ECTA 2024: 16th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications, Porto, Portugal

The Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) is one of the classical N P-hard tasks from operations research with a history of more than 65 years. It is often approached with heuristic algorithms and over the years, a multitude of such methods has been app... Read More about Frequency Fitness Assignment: Optimization without Bias for Good Solution outperforms Randomized Local Search on the Quadratic Assignment Problem.

Explaining evolutionary feature selection via local optima networks (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Adair, J., Thomson, S. L., & Brownlee, A. E. I. (2024, July). Explaining evolutionary feature selection via local optima networks. Presented at ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2024, Melbourne, Australia

We analyse fitness landscapes of evolutionary feature selection to obtain information about feature importance in supervised machine learning. Local optima networks (LONs) are a compact representation of a landscape, and can potentially be adapted fo... Read More about Explaining evolutionary feature selection via local optima networks.

A Bi-Level Approach to Vehicle Fleet Reduction: Successful Case Study in Community Healthcare (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Brownlee, A., Thomson, S., & Oladapo, R. (2024, July). A Bi-Level Approach to Vehicle Fleet Reduction: Successful Case Study in Community Healthcare. Presented at Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, Melbourne, Australia

We report on a case study application of metaheuristics with Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership in the West of Scotland. The Partnership maintains a fleet of pool vehicles that are available to service visits of staff to locations acr... Read More about A Bi-Level Approach to Vehicle Fleet Reduction: Successful Case Study in Community Healthcare.

Temporal True and Surrogate Fitness Landscape Analysis for Expensive Bi-Objective Optimisation Expensive Bi-Objective (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Rodriguez, C. J., Thomson, S. L., Alderliesten, T., & Bosman, P. A. N. (2024, July). Temporal True and Surrogate Fitness Landscape Analysis for Expensive Bi-Objective Optimisation Expensive Bi-Objective. Presented at Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2024), Melbourne, Australia

Many real-world problems have expensive-to-compute fitness functions and are multi-objective in nature. Surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithms are often used to tackle such problems. Despite this, literature about analysing the fitness landscapes... Read More about Temporal True and Surrogate Fitness Landscape Analysis for Expensive Bi-Objective Optimisation Expensive Bi-Objective.

Understanding fitness landscapes in morpho-evolution via local optima networks (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Thomson, S. L., Le Goff, L., Hart, E., & Buchanan, E. (2024, July). Understanding fitness landscapes in morpho-evolution via local optima networks. Presented at Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2024), Melbourne, Australia

Morpho-Evolution (ME) refers to the simultaneous optimisation of a robot's design and controller to maximise performance given a task and environment. Many genetic encodings have been proposed which are capable of representing design and control. Pre... Read More about Understanding fitness landscapes in morpho-evolution via local optima networks.

Factors Impacting Landscape Ruggedness in Control Problems: a Case Study (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Saliby, M. E., Medvet, E., Nadizar, G., Salvato, E., & Thomson, S. L. (2024, September). Factors Impacting Landscape Ruggedness in Control Problems: a Case Study. Presented at WIVACE 2024 (XVIII International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation), Namur, Belgium

Understanding fitness landscapes in evolutionary robotics (ER) can provide valuable insights into the considered robotic problems as well as into the strategies found by evolutionary algorithms (EAs) to address them, ultimately guiding practitioners... Read More about Factors Impacting Landscape Ruggedness in Control Problems: a Case Study.

Where the Really Hard Quadratic Assignment Problems Are: the QAP-SAT instances (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Verel, S., Thomson, S. L., & Rifki, O. (2024, April). Where the Really Hard Quadratic Assignment Problems Are: the QAP-SAT instances. Presented at EvoCOP 2024, Aberystwyth, UK

The Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) is one of the major domains in the field of evolutionary computation, and more widely in combinatorial optimization. This paper studies the phase transition of the QAP, which can be described as a dramatic chang... Read More about Where the Really Hard Quadratic Assignment Problems Are: the QAP-SAT instances.

Frequency Fitness Assignment for Untangling Proteins in 2D (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Koutstaal, J., Kommandeur, J., Timmer, R., Horn, R., Thomson, S. L., & van den Berg, D. (2024, April). Frequency Fitness Assignment for Untangling Proteins in 2D. Presented at EvoStar 2024, Aberyswyth, UK

At the time of writing, there is no known deterministic-time algorithm to sample valid initial solutions with uniform random distribution for the HP protein folding model, because guaranteed uniform random sampling produces collisions (i.e. constrain... Read More about Frequency Fitness Assignment for Untangling Proteins in 2D.

Too Constrained for Genetic Algorithms. Too Hard for Evolutionary Computing. The Traveling Tournament Problem. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Verduin, K., Thomson, S. L., & van den Berg, D. (2023, November). Too Constrained for Genetic Algorithms. Too Hard for Evolutionary Computing. The Traveling Tournament Problem. Presented at ECTA 2023 15th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications, Rome, Italy

Unlike other NP-hard problems, the constraints on the traveling tournament problem are so pressing that it’s hardly possible to randomly generate a valid solution, for example, to use in a genetic algorithm’s initial population. In this study, we ran... Read More about Too Constrained for Genetic Algorithms. Too Hard for Evolutionary Computing. The Traveling Tournament Problem..

Can HP-protein folding be solved with genetic algorithms? Maybe not (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jansen, R., Horn, R., van Eck, O., Version, K., Thomson, S. L., & van den Berg, D. (2023, November). Can HP-protein folding be solved with genetic algorithms? Maybe not. Presented at ECTA 2023 15th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications, Rome, Italy

Genetic algorithms might not be able to solve the HP-protein folding problem because creating random individuals for an initial population is very hard, if not impossible. The reason for this, is that the expected number of constraint violations incr... Read More about Can HP-protein folding be solved with genetic algorithms? Maybe not.

The Opaque Nature of Intelligence and the Pursuit of Explainable AI (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Thomson, S. L., van Stein, N., van den Berg, D., & van Leeuwen, C. (2023, November). The Opaque Nature of Intelligence and the Pursuit of Explainable AI. Presented at NCTA 2023: 15th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications, Rome, Italy

When artificial intelligence is used for making decisions, people are more likely to accept those decisions if they can be made intelligible to the public. This understanding has led to the emerging field of explainable artificial intelligence. We re... Read More about The Opaque Nature of Intelligence and the Pursuit of Explainable AI.

Unexplained Fluctuations in Particle Swarm Optimisation Performance with Increasing Problem Dimensionality (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Graham, K. C., Thomson, S. L., & Brownlee, A. E. I. (2023). Unexplained Fluctuations in Particle Swarm Optimisation Performance with Increasing Problem Dimensionality. .

We study the behaviour of particle swarm optimisation (PSO) with increasing problem dimension for the Alpine 1 function as an exploratory and preliminary case study. Performance trends are analysed and the tuned population size for PSO across dimensi... Read More about Unexplained Fluctuations in Particle Swarm Optimisation Performance with Increasing Problem Dimensionality.

Randomness in Local Optima Network Sampling (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Thomson, S. L., Veerapen, N., Ochoa, G., & van den Berg, D. (2023, July). Randomness in Local Optima Network Sampling. Presented at GECCO '23, Lisbon, Portugal

We consider statistical randomness in the construction of local optima networks (LONs) and conduct a preliminary and exploratory study into this. LONs capture a fitness landscape into network format: the nodes are local optima, and edges are heuristi... Read More about Randomness in Local Optima Network Sampling.

From Fitness Landscapes to Explainable AI and Back (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Thomson, S. L., Adair, J., Brownlee, A. E. I., & van den Berg, D. (2023, July). From Fitness Landscapes to Explainable AI and Back. Presented at GECCO '23, Lisbon, Portugal

We consider and discuss the ways in which search landscapes might contribute to the future of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI), and vice versa. Landscapes are typically used to gain insight into algorithm search dynamics on optimisation prob... Read More about From Fitness Landscapes to Explainable AI and Back.