Ambulant Fetish: the exotic woman in "Black Venus" and "Master".
Book Chapter
Artt, S. (2012). Ambulant Fetish: the exotic woman in "Black Venus" and "Master". In S. Andermahr, & L. Phillips (Eds.), Angela Carter: New Critical Readings (176-186). Continuum
All Outputs (2)
Les liaisons dangeureuses a l'anglais: examining traces of 'European-ness' in Valmont, Dangerous Liaisons and Cruel Intentions. (2012)
Book Chapter
Artt, S. (2012). Les liaisons dangeureuses a l'anglais: examining traces of 'European-ness' in Valmont, Dangerous Liaisons and Cruel Intentions. In L. Raw (Ed.), Translation, Adaptation and Transformation (162-170). Continuum