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Exploring the benefits of structured medication reviews for frail older patients in advanced clinical practice (2021)
Journal Article
Duffy, S., & Paterson, R. (2021). Exploring the benefits of structured medication reviews for frail older patients in advanced clinical practice. British Journal of Nursing, 30(15), 894-898.

Frailty in old age has become synonymous with medication use. As people age, the risk of disease burden increases. Older age is often linked with complex healthcare needs, with a rise in the number of comorbidities. This often results in the need to... Read More about Exploring the benefits of structured medication reviews for frail older patients in advanced clinical practice.

A mixed-methods feasibility study to assess the acceptability and applicability of immersive virtual reality sepsis game as an adjunct to nursing education (2021)
Journal Article
Adhikari, R., Kydonaki, C., Lawrie, J., O'Reilly, M., Ballantyne, B., Whitehorn, J., & Paterson, R. (2021). A mixed-methods feasibility study to assess the acceptability and applicability of immersive virtual reality sepsis game as an adjunct to nursing education. Nurse Education Today, 103, Article 104944.

Background: Virtual Reality (VR) simulation has been a topic of interest in recent years as an innovative strategy for healthcare education. Although there are a handful of studies evaluating VR simulation on knowledge, motivation, and sati... Read More about A mixed-methods feasibility study to assess the acceptability and applicability of immersive virtual reality sepsis game as an adjunct to nursing education.