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All Outputs (3)

Mangrove Ecosystem Services for Local Communities and their Vulnerability to Climate Change (2017)
Book Chapter
Huxham, M., Dencer-Brown, A., Diele, K., Kathiresan, K., Nagelkerken, I., & Wanjiru, C. (2017). Mangrove Ecosystem Services for Local Communities and their Vulnerability to Climate Change. In V. H. Rivera-Monroy, S. Y. Lee, E. Kristensen, & R. R. Twilley (Eds.), Mangrove ecosystems: a global biogeographic perspective on structure, function and services

Mangroves and People: Local Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate (2017)
Book Chapter
Huxham, M., Dencer-Brown, A., Diele, K., Kathiresan, K., Nagelkerken, I., & Wanjiru, C. (2017). Mangroves and People: Local Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate. In V. H. Rivera-Monroy, S. Y. (. Lee, E. Kristensen, & R. Twilley (Eds.), Mangrove Ecosystems: A Global Biogeographic Perspective (245-274). Springer.

Mangrove forests provide many services, some of which are used mostly or exclusively by local people, often the relatively poor and marginalised. Here, such ‘local ecosystem services’ are defined as those benefitting people living zero to tens of kil... Read More about Mangroves and People: Local Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate.

The Value and Opportunities of Community- and Citizen-based Approaches to Tropical Forest Biodiversity Monitoring (2017)
Book Chapter
Chandler, M., See, L., Andrianandrasana, H., Becker, D., Berardi, A., Bodmer, R., de Araujo Lima Constantino, P., Cousins, J., Crimmins, T. M., Danielsen, F., Brofeldt, S., Paula Giorgi, A., Huxham, M., Leslie, A., Mistry, J., Mora, B., Nelson, M., Poulsen, M. K., Pratihast, A., Theilade, I., …Williams, J. N. (2017). The Value and Opportunities of Community- and Citizen-based Approaches to Tropical Forest Biodiversity Monitoring. In M. Gill, R. Jongman, S. Luque, B. Mora, M. Paganini, & Z. Szantoi (Eds.), A Sourcebook of Methods and Procedures for Monitoring Essential Biodiversity Variables in Tropical Forests with Remote Sensing (223-281). GOFC-GOLD & GEO-BON

The biodiversity sourcebook is accessible in pdf format for free from:
•GOFC-GOLD Land Cover Office website:
•GEO BON website: