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All Outputs (6)

High denitrification and anaerobic ammonium oxidation contributes to net nitrogen loss in a seagrass ecosystem in the central Red Sea (2018)
Journal Article
Garcias-Bonet, N., Fusi, M., Ali, M., Shaw, D. R., Saikaly, P. E., Daffonchio, D., & Duarte, C. M. (2018). High denitrification and anaerobic ammonium oxidation contributes to net nitrogen loss in a seagrass ecosystem in the central Red Sea. Biogeosciences, 15(23), 7333-7346.

Nitrogen loads in coastal areas have increased dramatically, with detrimental consequences for coastal ecosystems. Shallow sediments and seagrass meadows are hotspots for denitrification, favoring N loss. However, atmospheric dinitrogen (N2) fixation... Read More about High denitrification and anaerobic ammonium oxidation contributes to net nitrogen loss in a seagrass ecosystem in the central Red Sea.

Rhizosheath microbial community assembly of sympatric desert speargrasses is independent of the plant host (2018)
Journal Article
Marasco, R., Mosqueira, M. J., Fusi, M., Ramond, J.-B., Merlino, G., Booth, J. M., Maggs-Kölling, G., Cowan, D. A., & Daffonchio, D. (2018). Rhizosheath microbial community assembly of sympatric desert speargrasses is independent of the plant host. Microbiome, 6(1),

The rhizosheath-root system is an adaptive trait of sandy-desert speargrasses in response to unfavourable moisture and nutritional conditions. Under the deserts’ polyextreme conditions, plants interact with edaphic microorganisms that pos... Read More about Rhizosheath microbial community assembly of sympatric desert speargrasses is independent of the plant host.

Foraging plasticity of breeding Northern Rockhopper Penguins, Eudyptes moseleyi, in response to changing energy requirements (2018)
Journal Article
Booth, J. M., Steinfurth, A., Fusi, M., Cuthbert, R. J., & McQuaid, C. D. (2018). Foraging plasticity of breeding Northern Rockhopper Penguins, Eudyptes moseleyi, in response to changing energy requirements. Polar Biology, 41(9), 1815-1826.

During the breeding season, seabirds must balance the changing demands of self- and off-spring provisioning with the constraints imposed by central-place foraging. Recently, it was shown that Northern Rockhopper Penguins at Tristan da Cunha in the So... Read More about Foraging plasticity of breeding Northern Rockhopper Penguins, Eudyptes moseleyi, in response to changing energy requirements.

Interference competition as a key determinant for spatial distribution of mangrove crabs (2018)
Journal Article
Cannicci, S., Fusi, M., Cimó, F., Dahdouh-Guebas, F., & Fratini, S. (2018). Interference competition as a key determinant for spatial distribution of mangrove crabs. BMC Ecology, 18(1), Article 8 (2018).

The spatial distribution of mangrove crabs has been commonly associated with tree zonation and abiotic factors such as ground temperature and soil granulometry. Conversely, no studies were designed to investigate the role of competition f... Read More about Interference competition as a key determinant for spatial distribution of mangrove crabs.

The stage of soil development modulates rhizosphere effect along a High Arctic desert chronosequence (2018)
Journal Article
Mapelli, F., Marasco, R., Fusi, M., Scaglia, B., Tsiamis, G., Rolli, E., Fodelianakis, S., Bourtzis, K., Ventura, S., Tambone, F., Adani, F., Borin, S., & Daffonchio, D. (2018). The stage of soil development modulates rhizosphere effect along a High Arctic desert chronosequence. ISME Journal, 12(5), 1188-1198.

In mature soils, plant species and soil type determine the selection of root microbiota. Which of these two factors drives rhizosphere selection in barren substrates of developing desert soils has, however, not yet been established. Chronosequences o... Read More about The stage of soil development modulates rhizosphere effect along a High Arctic desert chronosequence.

Grapevine rootstocks shape underground bacterial microbiome and networking but not potential functionality (2018)
Journal Article
Marasco, R., Rolli, E., Fusi, M., Michoud, G., & Daffonchio, D. (2018). Grapevine rootstocks shape underground bacterial microbiome and networking but not potential functionality. Microbiome, 6(3),

The plant compartments of Vitis vinifera, including the rhizosphere, rhizoplane, root endosphere, phyllosphere and carposphere, provide unique niches that drive specific bacterial microbiome associations. The majority of phyllosphere endo... Read More about Grapevine rootstocks shape underground bacterial microbiome and networking but not potential functionality.