Review on the Potential of a Tidal Energy Harnessing System in Malaysia
Book Chapter
Prashanth, P. H., Afrouzi, H. N., Wooi, C.-L., Mehranzamir, K., Liew, S. C., & Ahmed, J. (2021). Review on the Potential of a Tidal Energy Harnessing System in Malaysia. In M. Syahril Bahari, A. Harun, Z. Zainal Abidin, R. Hamidon, & S. Zakaria (Eds.), Intelligent Manufacturing and Mechatronics: Proceedings of SympoSIMM 2020 (103-111). Springer.
Tidal Energy is one the most prominent and promising renewable energy sources due to its consistency in electricity generation. Malaysia, being a country with its vast resources is persistently affecting its research towards the transition of using c... Read More about Review on the Potential of a Tidal Energy Harnessing System in Malaysia.