Finding the will to go on
Book Chapter
Donald, I. (2018). Finding the will to go on. In C. Lindsay (Ed.), First World War (132--133). DCT Media & Co. Ltd
All Outputs (4)
The US enters the war (2018)
Book Chapter
Donald, I. (2018). The US enters the war. In C. Lindsay (Ed.), . DCT Media & Co. Ltd
Playing with the dead: transmedia narratives and the Walking Dead games (2018)
Book Chapter
Donald, I., & Austin, H. (2018). Playing with the dead: transmedia narratives and the Walking Dead games. In R. Yılmaz, M. N. Erdem, & F. Resuloğlu (Eds.), Handbook of research on transmedia storytelling and narrative strategies (50-71). IGI Global. chapter discusses the theory and practice of transmedia narratives within the storyworld created by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard's comics series The Walking Dead. It examines key aspects from the comics series and AMC's adaptive... Read More about Playing with the dead: transmedia narratives and the Walking Dead games.
Loos: the fallen fourth - visualising community identity and loss in the First World War (2018)
Book Chapter
Donald, I. (2018). Loos: the fallen fourth - visualising community identity and loss in the First World War. In W. Kenefick, & D. Patrick (Eds.), Tayside at War. Abertay Historical Society