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All Outputs (7)

Temporality and Futurity of the Forgotten: Everyday Lives of Syrian Refugees in Scotland amid Covid-19 Pandemic (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khaleel, F., Avdukic, A., Law, A., & Abdullah, A. (2023, October). Temporality and Futurity of the Forgotten: Everyday Lives of Syrian Refugees in Scotland amid Covid-19 Pandemic. Paper presented at Understanding Displacement in Visual Art and Cultural History: 1945 to Now, Manchester, UK

This study explores the coexistence of multiple and radically distinctive, yet rhythmic worlds, that Syrian refugees resettling in the Scotland found themselves within during the pandemic.

Methodologically this study applies rhythmanalysis as a cr... Read More about Temporality and Futurity of the Forgotten: Everyday Lives of Syrian Refugees in Scotland amid Covid-19 Pandemic.

Decolonising the Discourse on Academic Integrity: A Data Driven Activism Against Implicit Association of International Students with Academic Dishonesty (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harte, P., Khaleel, F., & Avdukic, A. (2023, October). Decolonising the Discourse on Academic Integrity: A Data Driven Activism Against Implicit Association of International Students with Academic Dishonesty. Paper presented at Abolishing the University & Borders in Higher Education, Online

When you attend any conference, workshop or gathering on upholding academic integrity in HE and ways of reducing academic dishonesty, you will find that there is always a session that focuses on academic misconduct within the international cohort. If... Read More about Decolonising the Discourse on Academic Integrity: A Data Driven Activism Against Implicit Association of International Students with Academic Dishonesty.

Higher Accountability Framework for the Muslim Charities: Assessing Accountability Performance of Muslim Charities in the UK (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Avdukic, A., Awan, A. M., Abu Ghunmi, D., & Khaleel, F. (2023, June). Higher Accountability Framework for the Muslim Charities: Assessing Accountability Performance of Muslim Charities in the UK. Paper presented at 14th EIASM Workshop on the Challenges of Managing the Third Sector, University of Aberdeen

This paper cross-examines the performance of Muslim charities against the mandates given by donors and beneficiaries. The mandate is conceptualised using framework of maqasid Shari’ah: a set of principles of Shariah accountability. The Muslim chariti... Read More about Higher Accountability Framework for the Muslim Charities: Assessing Accountability Performance of Muslim Charities in the UK.

Future proofing the Integrity of Assessments against the Power of Artificial Intelligence (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khaleel, F., & Harte, P. (2023, May). Future proofing the Integrity of Assessments against the Power of Artificial Intelligence. Presented at U!REKA Connects 2023, Amsterdam

The participants will learn about the difference in AI and traditional cheating. We will explore how we can use and develop on our existing knowledge and practices of authentic assessments to mitigate the risk of all types of plagiarism, including th... Read More about Future proofing the Integrity of Assessments against the Power of Artificial Intelligence.

The Art of Planetary Maintenance: South Asian Religions and Sustainability (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khaleel, F., & Avdukic, A. (2023, May). The Art of Planetary Maintenance: South Asian Religions and Sustainability. Paper presented at South Asian Anthropocenes, Edinburgh

In this session, we will explore the mindset and practices on human, social and environmental sustainability that are created by and embedded in the South Asian religions and socio-cultural systems. South Asia as a region is religiously and culturall... Read More about The Art of Planetary Maintenance: South Asian Religions and Sustainability.

Financial Environment for Refugees and Immigrant Communities: Islamic Finance in Action (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Avdukic, A., Rahmani, A., Alsagir, M., & Khaleel, F. (2023, March). Financial Environment for Refugees and Immigrant Communities: Islamic Finance in Action. Presented at Financial Environment for Refugees and Immigrant Communities: Islamic Finance in Action, Dundee

This project and conference is part funded by the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. Making management of migration flows more efficient across the European Union.