Higher Accountability Framework for the Muslim Charities: Assessing Accountability Performance of Muslim Charities in the UK
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Avdukic, A., Awan, A. M., Abu Ghunmi, D., & Khaleel, F. (2023, June). Higher Accountability Framework for the Muslim Charities: Assessing Accountability Performance of Muslim Charities in the UK. Paper presented at 14th EIASM Workshop on the Challenges of Managing the Third Sector, University of Aberdeen
This paper cross-examines the performance of Muslim charities against the mandates given by donors and beneficiaries. The mandate is conceptualised using framework of maqasid Shari’ah: a set of principles of Shariah accountability. The Muslim chariti... Read More about Higher Accountability Framework for the Muslim Charities: Assessing Accountability Performance of Muslim Charities in the UK.