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Rehabilitation of brachial plexus injury in contact sport: Where are the data that underpin clinical management? A scoping review (2024)
Journal Article
Armstrong, R., McKeever, T., Leavitt, M., McLelland, C., & Hamilton, D. F. (2024). Rehabilitation of brachial plexus injury in contact sport: Where are the data that underpin clinical management? A scoping review. PLOS ONE, 19(6), Article e0298317.

Although a common injury there is a lack of published primary data to inform clinical management of sports related brachial plexus injuries.

A systematic search was completed in Medline, CINAHL, PubMed, SPORTDiscus and Web o... Read More about Rehabilitation of brachial plexus injury in contact sport: Where are the data that underpin clinical management? A scoping review.

CSP2023: 307 Rehabilitation of brachial plexus injury in contact sport: Where are the data that underpin clinical management? A systematic review (2024)
Journal Article
Armstrong, R., McKeever, T., Mclelland, C., & Hamilton, D. (2024). CSP2023: 307 Rehabilitation of brachial plexus injury in contact sport: Where are the data that underpin clinical management? A systematic review. Physiotherapy, 123(Supplement 1), e171.

Purpose: There is no specific framework for the clinical management of sports related brachial plexus injuries. Necessarily, rehabilitation is based on injury presentation and clinical diagnostics but it is unclear what the underlying evidence base t... Read More about CSP2023: 307 Rehabilitation of brachial plexus injury in contact sport: Where are the data that underpin clinical management? A systematic review.

Completeness of intervention reporting in randomised trials of technology-enabled remote or hybrid exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation: A systematic review using the TIDieR framework (2023)
Journal Article
McGrath, A., McHale, S., Hanson, C. L., McLelland, C., & Hamilton, D. F. (2024). Completeness of intervention reporting in randomised trials of technology-enabled remote or hybrid exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation: A systematic review using the TIDieR framework. Disability and Rehabilitation, 46(19), 4350-4358.

Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation improves clinical outcomes and quality of life. Technology-enabled delivery of remote cardiac rehabilitation is as effective in improving health outcomes as in-person delivery and has the potential... Read More about Completeness of intervention reporting in randomised trials of technology-enabled remote or hybrid exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation: A systematic review using the TIDieR framework.

The influence of facemasks on communication in healthcare settings: a systematic review (2023)
Journal Article
Francis, R., Leavitt, M., McLelland, C., & Hamilton, D. F. (2024). The influence of facemasks on communication in healthcare settings: a systematic review. Disability and Rehabilitation, 46(4), 637-649.

Although a well-established aspect of healthcare practice, the impact of facemasks on verbal communication is surprisingly ambiguous.

Materials and Methods
A systematic search was conducted in APA PSYCHinfo, CINAHL, NHS Knowledge Network... Read More about The influence of facemasks on communication in healthcare settings: a systematic review.

Do digital interventions increase adherence to home exercise rehabilitation? A systematic review of randomised controlled trials (2022)
Journal Article
Lang, S., McLelland, C., MacDonald, D., & Hamilton, D. F. (2022). Do digital interventions increase adherence to home exercise rehabilitation? A systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Archives of Physiotherapy, 12(1), Article 24.

Background: Home exercise regimes are a well-utilised rehabilitation intervention for many conditions; however, adherence to prescribed programmes remains low. Digital interventions are recommended as an adjunct to face-to-face interventions by the N... Read More about Do digital interventions increase adherence to home exercise rehabilitation? A systematic review of randomised controlled trials.

Functional outcomes and return to sport following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in recreational athletes: A systematic review (2022)
Journal Article
Brzeszczynski, F., Turnbull, K., McClelland, C., MacDonald, D., Lawson, G., & Hamilton, D. (2022). Functional outcomes and return to sport following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in recreational athletes: A systematic review. The Knee, 36, 103-113.

Outcomes of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) are well reported in athletic populations, however surprisingly little information is available for the recreational athletes that make up the majority of cases. The aim was t... Read More about Functional outcomes and return to sport following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in recreational athletes: A systematic review.

Development of an Integrated Curriculum for Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Social Work Students in Scotland (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hislop, J., MacDonald, D., Yates, P., James, K., McLelland, C., Hillen, P., Goetzold, S., & McKay, E. (2019, May). Development of an Integrated Curriculum for Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Social Work Students in Scotland. Poster presented at World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Geneva, Switzerland

Background: The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act (2014) came into effect in April 2016 bringing in integration of adult health and social care services in Scotland. This integration has been described as being the most significant change... Read More about Development of an Integrated Curriculum for Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Social Work Students in Scotland.