Building Community and Enhancing Belonging Through Assessment and Feedback: A Roadmap for Assessment Design in Criminology
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Haddow, C., & Brodie, J. (2024, July). Building Community and Enhancing Belonging Through Assessment and Feedback: A Roadmap for Assessment Design in Criminology. Presented at British Society of Criminology Conference, Strathclyde University,, UK
All Outputs (3)
School of Applied Science enhanced PDT Model (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McIntyre, A., McGill, C., Haddow, C., Meldrum, S., & Dias Scoon, M. (2024, June). School of Applied Science enhanced PDT Model. Presented at The Gathering (DLTE), Edinburgh Napier University, UK
Student Belonging Good Practice Guide (2024)
Garden, C., Watchman Smith, N., Naughton, C., Skelton, F., Calabrese, P., Hunter, L., Haddow, C., & Azam, F. (2024). Student Belonging Good Practice Guide. RAISE Network (Researching, Advancing & Inspiring Student Engagement)This Good Practice Guide offers a toolkit and a conversation starter for anyone working in higher education (HE) who is thinking about embarking on a student belonging project. As well as sharing hints and tips, it draws upon student belonging insigh... Read More about Student Belonging Good Practice Guide.