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Writing disenchantment: British First World War prose, 1914-30 (2014)
Frayn, A. (2014). Writing disenchantment: British First World War prose, 1914-30. Manchester University Press.

This book argues that disenchantment is not only a response to wartime experience, but a condition of modernity with a language that finds extreme expression in First World War literature. The objects of disenchantment are often the very same as the... Read More about Writing disenchantment: British First World War prose, 1914-30.

Richard Aldington's Images, the Metropolis, and the Masses (2014)
Journal Article
Frayn, A. (2014). Richard Aldington's Images, the Metropolis, and the Masses. Modernist Cultures, 9(2), 260-281.

Richard Aldington’s city poems in the latter part of his 1915 collection Images
are concerned with the masses who inhabit the modern city. Aldington is
at pains to stress his distinction from those he perceives as an increasingly
homogenized crowd... Read More about Richard Aldington's Images, the Metropolis, and the Masses.

‘Music horrible and unreal’: music, its language, and First World War fiction (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Frayn, A. (2014, August). ‘Music horrible and unreal’: music, its language, and First World War fiction. Paper presented at The Music of War: 1914–1918, British Library, London

Narratives about the First World War often claimed that the physical experience of warfare was incommunicable to those who had not fought. Indeed, in the decade after the war much paper and ink was devoted to this aporia. In this paper I argue that... Read More about ‘Music horrible and unreal’: music, its language, and First World War fiction.

Aldington, a disillusioned poet (2014)
Frayn, A. (2014). Aldington, a disillusioned poet

Programme article for 'The War', Chekhov International Theatre Festival / SounDrama Studio, Edinburgh International Festival, 2014.

Cartographies of the Great War: Mapping Post-War Fiction (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Frayn, A. (2014, July). Cartographies of the Great War: Mapping Post-War Fiction. Paper presented at Alternate Spaces of the Great War, Plymouth University

Invited talk to the AHRC-funded network Alternate Spaces of the Great War.

This paper engages with the spaces of the Great War, particularly the Western Front, as spaces of modernity. The starting point is a quotation from Richard Aldington’s Dea... Read More about Cartographies of the Great War: Mapping Post-War Fiction.