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Paradigm lost: the rise and fall of McDonaldization

Taylor, Stephen; Lyon, Phil


Stephen Taylor

Phil Lyon


The application of McDonald′s product/production principles to other restaurant chains, and totally different social enterprises has been the subject of recent criticism. This “McDonaldization” is said to betoken a world of increased rationalization where large‐scale systems for the mass production of goods and services obliterate small‐scale opposition and give rise to fears for diminished choice in the future. Previously it has been argued that the advance of McDonaldization is far from total and the pessimistic prognosis is at least premature. Criticizes the McDonaldization thesis by reference to an alternative paradigm of “mass customization”. Argues that this is not only the logical next step for the production of goods and services, but also that it is already starting to happen.


Taylor, S., & Lyon, P. (1995). Paradigm lost: the rise and fall of McDonaldization. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 7(2/3), 64-68.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 1, 1995
Publication Date 1995-04
Deposit Date Nov 29, 2019
Journal International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Print ISSN 0959-6119
Publisher Emerald
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 7
Issue 2/3
Pages 64-68
Keywords Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management
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