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Investigating the association of self-regulation of learning with adolescent leisure-time physical activity

Pitkethly, Amanda; Lau, Patrick W C


Patrick W C Lau


Low levels of physical activity (PA) are associated with numerous health problems, and although a moderately active lifestyle can reduce these risks, levels of adolescent PA remain insufficient. To improve PA promotion, uptake and adherence, many psychological correlates of PA and leisuretime PA (LTPA) are being investigated. Among these, self-regulated learning (SRL) variables are positively associated and contribute to performance improvements, across domains. However, the relationship between SRL and adolescent LTPA is understudied. Study aims were (i) to determine whether self-regulatory variables (planning, selfmonitoring, effort, self-evaluation, reflection and self-efficacy), from a theoretically driven model, can predict LTPA; (ii) whether behavioural differences exist between moderate and vigorous LTPA and (iii) whether differences in LTPA and SRL variables exist among higher SRL scoring adolescents.
Ethical approval was granted, and a cross-sectional design was implemented with 411 consenting adolescents (12–16 years; mean = 13.84; 52.1% female), from a culturally representative Scottish secondary school. Hierarchical multiple regression (HMR) analyses were conducted, with data from the self-regulation of learning self-report scale (SLR-SRS; Toering et al., 2012, International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 10, 24–38; α = 0.73–0.85; ICC = 0.70–0.84, for all six subscales); and the Godin leisure-time questionnaire (Godin and Shephard, 1985, Canadian Journal of Applied Sport Sciences, 10, 141–146; α = 0.84, Sallis et al., 1993, Health Psychology, 12, 390–398). For the whole sample, only the model containing gender and selfefficacy predicted moderate LTPA, whereas the significant model, containing all SRL variables, explained 6.9% of the variance in vigorous LTPA (ΔR2 = .024, F(2,377) = 7.766, p = .007), with selfefficacy and reflection significant predictors. Higher self-regulators engaged in significantly more LTPA than lower self-regulators (P = 0.035). The significant final HMR model for higher self-regulators explained 14.4% of the variance (ΔR2 = 0.041, F2,189 = 5.234, P = 0.011 < 0.05). Only the model containing gender and self-efficacy significantly predicted moderate LTPA, whereas self-efficacy and reflection significantly predicted vigorous LTPA (ΔR2 = 0.048, F2,189 = 5.793, P = 0.005). Better self-regulated adolescents engage in significantly more LTPA than lower self-regulators. In addition to self-efficacy, reflection appears to play a key role in better LTPA performance, suggesting that these adolescents are more aware of their strengths and weaknesses and more capable of translating this awareness into learning and future action. SRL has a significant impact on LTPA, in this sample, and considering that SRL skills are amenable to training, further experimental research should assess the impact of SRL training on levels of adolescent LTPA


Pitkethly, A., & Lau, P. W. C. (2014, November). Investigating the association of self-regulation of learning with adolescent leisure-time physical activity. Presented at British Association for Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES), Burton-On-Trent, UK

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name British Association for Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES)
Start Date Nov 25, 2014
End Date Nov 26, 2014
Acceptance Date Nov 1, 2014
Online Publication Date Nov 14, 2014
Publication Date 2014-11
Deposit Date Jan 26, 2017
Journal Journal of Sports Science
Print ISSN 0264-0414
Electronic ISSN 1466-447X
Publisher Taylor and Francis
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 32
Issue sup2
Pages s89
Keywords self-regulation, physical activity
Public URL