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An Evaluation of Personnel Training Policies of Construction Companies in Nigeria

Ikediashi, Dubem I.; Ogunlana, Stephen O.; Awodele, Oluwaseyi A.w; Okwuashi, Onuwa


Stephen O. Ogunlana

Oluwaseyi A.w Awodele

Onuwa Okwuashi


Construction companies are the engines that propel the construction sector of any nation's economy, and are therefore expected to vigorously train their workforce to effectively match this responsibility. This study investigates the personnel training policies of construction companies in Nigeria. Structured questionnaire was used to collect data from two categories of respondents namely, the technical and managerial personnel using simple random sampling technique. They were analyzed using the basic descriptive and inferential statistical tools. Spearman rank correlation was used to test the level of agreement between the two categories of personnel on the methods of training in their companies. Findings reveal among others that there is a disparity in the training policies of most companies regarding both categories of staff and did not favour the technical personnel. On-the-job training is the most effective method of staff development in the companies. The research has provided insight into key areas that require urgent action at the strategic level of management. Specifically, it has brought into focus perceived disparity between the level of training accorded the lower and higher cadre personnel.


Ikediashi, D. I., Ogunlana, S. O., Awodele, O. A., & Okwuashi, O. (2012). An Evaluation of Personnel Training Policies of Construction Companies in Nigeria. Journal of Human Ecology, 40(3), 229-238.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2012
Deposit Date Jan 2, 2023
Print ISSN 0970-9274
Publisher Kamla-Raj Enterprises
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 40
Issue 3
Pages 229-238
Keywords Construction Companies, Personnel Training, Policies, Construction Industry, Nigeria
Public URL